Prayers for the Living and Deceased
The TRADITIO Network maintains an habitual intention of praying specifically for the Benefactors of TRADITIO, the members of the Confraternity of St. Michael, and deceased traditional priests and religious. If you wish to include yourself or a deceased person in these intentions, click on one of the links below for further information. If you have an addition to the deceased traditional Catholic priests and religious list, you may send the deceased's curriculum vitae to: TRADITIO .
Prayers for the Living and Deceased
Prayers for Deceased Independent Traditional Catholic Priests and Religious
Necrology of Independent Traditional Catholic Priests for North America
We do not include pseudo-traditional clergymen, such as those of the Neo-SSPX of 1991+ and of the Newchurch of the New Order.
Bp. Richard Williamson, of London, England (03/08/40-01/29/29)
Bp. Neil Webster, of Union City, Michigan (ob. 12/29/24)
Fr. James Theilen, of Cincinnati, Ohio (ob. 12/2024)
Fr. Louis Campbell, of Stafford, Texas (11/01/32-12/18/23)
Bp. Clarence Kelly, of Round Top, New York (1941-12/02/23)
Founder of the Society of St. Pius V (SSPV, later CSPV) in 1983
Fr. Roy Clemens, of Boston, Kentucky (ob. 10/2023)
Fr. Kevin Vaillancourt, of Spokane, Washington (09/08/54-10/24/2022)
Bp. Daniel Dolan, of West Chester, Ohio (05/28/51-04/26/22)
Fr. Manuel Joya Alamirano, of Mexico (ob. 02/09/1922)
Fr. Ray Steichen, SDB, of Apple Valley, California (ob. 01/31/2022)
Fr. Patrick Perez, of Garden Grove, California (ob. 11/18/2021)
Fr. Joseph Bachtiger, of Massachusetts (ob. 09/17/2021)
Fr. Salvador Velasquez, SJM, of Mexico (ob. 08/16/1921)
Fr. Clement Procopio, OFM, of California (06/14/2019-06/04/2021)
Fr. Bernard Champagne, of Orange, Connecticut (1931-04/14/2021)
Fr. Yves Normandin, of Montreal, Quebec (ob. 12/30/2020)
Fr. Anthony Cekada, of West Chester, Ohio (ob. 09/11/2020)
Bp. Merrill Adamson, SOLG, of Melbourne, Florida (02/05/50-09/01/20)
Msgr. Raymond Ruscitto, of Traver, of California (ob. 06/11/2019)
Fr. Joseph Collins, of Glenmont, New York (1952-04/27/2019)
Bp. James Wright, of Brooksville, Florida (ob. 12/2018)
Bp. Patrick Taylor, SVM, of Charleston, West Virginia (ob. 11/09/2018)
Bp. Paul Petko, of Indianapolis, Indiana (ob. 10/20/2018)
Bp. John Hesson, OSB, of West Collingwood Heights, New Jersey (ob. 08/26/2017)
Bp. Robert McKenna, OP, of Monroe, Connecticut (07/08/27-12/16/2015)
Fr. Joseph Melito, of Glendale, California (ob. 09/07/2015)
Fr. Paul Trinchard, of New Orleans, Louisiana (04/15/1932-08/23/2015)
Fr. Charles Mercereau, of New Brunswick, Canada (1921-01/15/2013)
Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM, of Rochester, New York (01/29/1930-01/01/2013)
Fr. Martin Father Stepanich, OFM (ob. 11/18/2012)
Fr. Raymond Dunn, SJ (ob. 06/03/2012)
Fr. Timothy Hopkins, of Miami, Florida (ob. 11/02/2011)
Msgr. Charles Jackson, of Bradenton, Florida (ob. 03/18/2011)
Abbot Leonard Giardina, of Cullman, Alabama (11/08/1922-01/07/2011)
Founder of Christ the King Traditional Benedictine Catholic Abbey in 1985
Fr. George de Jesus-Marie (Abb? de Nantes) (04/03/1924-02/15/2010)
Fr. Enrique Rueda (ob. 12/14/2009)
Fr. Robert Stemper, SJ (12/17/1926-09/25/2009)
Brother Francis Maluf, MICM, of Richmond, New Hampshire (07/19/1913-09/05/2009)
Fr. Francis Clifford, of South Weymouth, Massachusetts (ob. 03/07/2009)
Fr. Mario Blanco, of Washington (ob. 10/14/2008)
Fr. Roy Randolph, ORCM/SSPV (ob. 01/2008)
Fr. Harry Marchosky, (10/08/23-12/11/2007)
Fr. Richard Rego, of Tucson, Arizona (ob. 07/30/2007)
Fr. Anthony Wojtus, of Cedar Grove, West Virgina (1931-07/16/2007)
Fr. Peter Rofrano, SAC (ob. 05/19/2007)
Fr. Lawrence Brey (ob. 11/26/2006)
Fr. Eugene Heidt (08/31/1933-10/20/2006)
Fr. Francis LeBlanc (1926-09/28/2006)
Fr. Rama Coomaraswamy (03/1930-07/19/2006)
Msgr. Charles Moss (1930-07/09/2006)
Fr. Carl Pulvermacher, OFMcap (ob. 05/29/2006)
Fr. Richard Ahearn, SVM (ob. 10/11/2005)
Fr. James Wathen, of Evansville, Illinois (11/06/1932-11/07/2005)
Fr. Gommar DePauw, of Westbury, New York (10/11/1918-05/06/2005)
Founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement in 1964
Fr. James Gordon, of Houston, Texas (ob. Summer 2004)
Fr. Paul Wickens, of West Orange, New Jersey (ob. 07/08/2004)
Fr. John Quinn, of Lake Zurich, Illinois (1917-02/27/2004)
Fr. Raphael Guzzo (ob. 01/12/2004)
Msgr. Robert Hupp (07/03/1915-08/29/2003)
Fr. Terry Marks, of Richmond, Virginia (06/15/1949-01/30/2003)
Fr. Salvatore Franco, of New York (ob. 12/17/2002)
Fr. Charles Poirier, SR, of Melbourne, Florida (05/25/1926-11/29/2002)
Fr. Frederick Schell, of Granada Hills, California (1916-09/28/2002)
Fr. Edward Morgan, of Frankfort, Illinois (1911-02/28/2002)
Fr. William Van Breda, OSA, of Pennsylvania (1923-01/20/2002)
Fr. Gerard Leicht, SsCc, of Hawaii (ob. 01/2002)
Fr. Jerome Talloen, SJ, of Oklahoma (05/20/1914-12/15/2001)
Fr. Edward O'Connor, CSsR, of Arizona (09/19/1935-07/19/2001)
Fr. Andrew Jeffers, of Terra Haute, Indiana (10/30/1934-06/10/2001)
Fr. James Milano, of El Paso, Texas (ob. 05/2001)
Fr. John Keane, of Massachusetts (04/07/1930-02/28/2001)
Fr. Robert Carpenter, SVM (01/15/1942-06/27/2000)
Fr. Malachi Martin (07/23/1921-07/27/1999)
Fr. Alfred Kunz, of Dane, of Wisconsin (ob. 03/04/1998)
Msgr. Charles Donahue, of Arcadia, California (04/14/1927-12/23/1995)
Fr. Francis Fenton (ob. 08/03/1995)
Founder of the Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement in 1970
Fr. James Stacy, SVM (ob. 11/16/1994)
Bp. J. Vida Elmer (1912-03/30/1993)
Fr. Thomas Ross, OFM (ob. 03/02/1993)
Fr. Victor Mroz, OFM Conv./ORCM, (01/29/1915-04/28/1992)
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (11/29/1905-03/25/1991)
Founder of the Society of St. Pius X in 1970
Fr. Placid White, OSB (11/08/1898-09/21/1989)
Bp. George Musey, of Forest Hill, Texas (09/14/1928-03/29/1992)
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