FAQ 2 HOW DO I SUBMIT A MASS INTENTION? TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Internet Site E-mail: traditio@traditio.com, Web: www.traditio.com Copyright 1994-2023 CSM. Reproduction prohibited without authorization. Last Updated: 01/12/24 The practice of having a priest offer Holy Mass for a specific intention is a devotional work that has existed in the Church for centuries. Even many traditional Catholics either do not understand the value of having Masses offered or else they do not care about this important Spiritual Work of Mercy. They fail to take advantage of the opportunity of having the ministerial fruits of the Mass applied for some spiritual need: the welfare of a loved one, the repose of a soul, in thanksgiving for favors received, etc. Not only ought we to be assiduous in assisting at Holy Mass, but also in having Holy Masses offered for our various needs, both spiritual and temporal. Only too true are the words of a pious writer, who speaks thus of our neglect in this regard: "The devotion of having the Divine Mysteries celebrated, which ought to have its place of honor above all other devotions, often holds a very inferior place. To obtain contrition for sin, the remission of temporal pains, or to obtain a certain favor, recourse is had to prayer, or to some chosen act of piety, but rarely to the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice. "The Blessed Virgin will be invoked; the Angels and Saints -- above all; but rarely one thinks of having the Holy Sacrifice offered, which is the most powerful means of propitiation, of satisfaction, of impetration. And what one does not do for oneself, one forgets for others. There are among those dear to us, guilty souls, souls in debt, souls in danger. We deplore and weep, yet neglect the means above all which can expiate all, redeem all, pay all, obtain all...." "A man gains much more by having Mass said for himself in his lifetime than by simply hearing Mass." TRADITIO frequently receives inquiries about whether it is possible to have a fully Traditional Latin Mass said for a particular person, living or deceased, or for a special intention. Such requests can be accommodated. However, because of the limited number of open Mass dates and the volume of such requests, a specific date cannot be promised. The suggested minimum stipend for such Masses is $50.00(+) for a Low Mass, $100.00(+) for a High Mass/Missa Cantata. This stipend helps to offset expenses incurred in the offering of the Mass, e.g., chapel rental, liturgical supplies, transportation of the priest and supplies to the Mass site, choir, etc. The stipend, which is a procedure established under canon law, is in no way to be looked upon as a "charge" for the Mass. Stipends are provided for as part of the layman's obligation to fulfill the precept to support the Church. PLEASE DO NOT SEND A STIPEND BEFORE FIRST E-MAILING TRADITIO@TRADITIO.COM ABOUT THE AVAILABILITY OF A MASS. Once your request has been approved, you may mail your stipend by cash or check to the Confraternity of St. Michael, 21128 Baker Road, Castro Valley, CA 94546. Please provide your E-mail address for an acknowledgment.