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For answers to many questions, consult the over 225 pages of the CURRENT MONTHLY REVISED EDITION of the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, Listing All Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. SITE REPRESENTATIVES, BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR TRADITIONAL SITE'S LISTING MONTHLY FOR CORRECTNESS. |
You have to give the women religious in Newchurch credit. Finally, especially the contemplative Carmelites, have realized that the Newchurch of the New Order is a fraud, most ceretainly NOT not the Catholic Church. The few remaining Newchurch "nuns" are walking out all over the world, and no women want to become Newchurch "nuns" to replace them.
The latest convent to close its doors housed the Discalced Newcarmelites of Lucena, Spain. The community was disbanded on July 24, 2024, after 412 years. In the year of the convent's founding in 1612, Galileo Galilei became the first astronomer to observe the planet Neptune in his telescope. The prioress, Mother Mary Magdalene, announced that there were only three "nuns" and no women to replace those who had left, so the convent was closing for good. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, this closure was a particular embarrassment to the apostate Newpope Bergoglio, as he had close relationship with the former prioress, who had come from Argentina. This made no difference; all but three of the nuns left him. Moreover, it is well known that Francis-Bergoglio hates religious, particularly traditionalistic-leaning women, as are many of the contemplative Newcarmelites.
Francis-Bergoglio is pushing ahead with his campaign to transition to the "Synodal" Church in 2025 with his move toward embracing the pagan charismatic Pentecostal sect, one of whose branches includes the Snake Dancers, who wrap themselves in snakes to test God. Over 100 Snake Dancer Pentecostalists are now dead Bergoglio has assigned this move to his Dicastery for Promoting Christian (Sic) Unity. His representatives on July 24, 2024, concluded a meeting in Lisbon, Portugal with the crazy Charistmatics, only 120 kilometers from the desecrated Fatima Shrine.
Charismaticism is a particularly virulent mania infecting the Newchurch of the New Order and has its roots deep in heresy. The roots of modern-day Charismaticism (Pentecostalism) go back to 1901 when a group of Methodists at a Topeka, Kansas, prayer meeting began "experiencing the spirit." The emotional prayer style soon spread throughout the Assemblies of God, as well as other small Protestant sects. A typical charismatic prayer meeting includes praying in tongues, prophesying under possession, and "body prayer." which includes the deadly snake-dancing.
"Catholic" Pentecostalism caught on in Newchurch, spurred on by the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). The movement is associated with such other cult-like, mind-controlling organizations and programmes as the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD, which was perfectly traditional before Vatican II, but afterwards was corrupted), Taize, "oecumenism," Marriage Encounter, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), Renew, Focolare, Cursillo, Neo-Catechumenal Way, Legionnaires of Christ/Regnum Christi, Communion and Liberation, Miles Jesu, Wicca (Gaia), and Life Teen.
Traditional Catholics, the apostate Newchurch representatives and the Charismatics/Snake Dancers visited the nearby Fatima Shrine, further polluting it with apostasy and paganism. The Charismatic Movement in Newchurch has been described as "a blighted tree bearing poisonous fruit, sown by the Devil among Protestants and transplanted into the (New)church after Vatican II.... This fruit is truly a seed of destruction." And indeed the crazy Newchurch even now dying because of such evils perpetrated against the First Commandment of God.
As if the Fatima shrine had not already been polluted, by the "oecumenical" Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" and by the construction of the new "Tennis Racket" shrine, now Fatima is triply polluted with the installation of the sex predator Newjesuit Marko Rupnik's "artworks." Rupnik was too corrupt even for the corrupt Newjesuits, who ousted him on the charge of sexually assaulting 20-40 Newchurch "nuns," but the Newjesuit pretender Newpope Bergoglio let the perverted Newchurch presbyter sneak back "in good standing."
Bergoglio's unconscionable action has caused great scandal, even in Newchurch, and ruined his "Great Synod" of October 2023, which dissolved into open denunciation of Bergoglio. Other sites have been so scandalized by the Rupnik "artworks" that they have covered them up or removed them, as at Lourdes, but not at the famous shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, which has fallen into the hands of the apostate Newchurch.
In 2020 Rupnik was excommunicated for the worst sin a cleric can commit, the crimen sollicitationis. As a result, Rupnik was excommunicated, but Bergoglio, true to his corrupt regime, restored the perverted cleric. Of course, Rupnik is not a priest, as Newchurch has not ordained priests since 1968, when it adopted the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal, which purports only to "install" ministers (presbyters), like Protestant ministers, who have no sacramental power whatsoever. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, three stikes and you're out. Newchurch has now thrice polluted the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima. So, true Catholics have yet another reason to stay away from the polluted shrine, which is no longer the traditional Catholic shine.
And you thought that the 1969 New Mess (Novus Ordo) of Newchurch was bad. The Newvatican has announced that there will be a New, New Mess (Novissimus Ordo) coming on December 1, 2024, to suit Francis-Bergoglio's new "Synodal Church." Of course, none of this is Catholic. It isn't a Mass, and there have been no priests ordained in Newchurch since 1968, only New Order presbyters, like Billy Graham and Joel Osteen, "installed" under the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968,which went along with the invalid (fake) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan New Mess of 1969.
The Newest Mess (Novissimus Ordo) of 2024 is the latest bastard given birth by the apostate Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). The Newest Mess will change the Confiteor, which was also curtailed and bastardized in the New Mess of 1969. The venerable hymn Gloria in Excelsis Deo, composed by none other than the two great lights of the true Church, Sts. Augustine and St. Ambrose, will be polluted by Modernist hands. Even the Credo, coming from the fourth century to defeat the Arian heretics, who denied the divinity of Christ, will be tampered with -- again. And that is just the beginning.Together with the Newest Mess, all the "readings" at the Mess, which were already corrupted in 1969 to the Protestant format of a three-year cycle rather than the traditional one-year cycle that was standard long before Pope St. Gregory the Great published his Missale Romanum around the year 600, will be further corrupted. On December 1, 2024, England and Wales will jump ahead of the other countries in implementing a "New Lectionary." (Everything in Newchurch is New or Newest, and even Newchurchers are sick of it.)
There will be a switch to the English Standard Version (ESV), a Protestant version of Sacred Scripture. Ironically, the ESV "Catholic Edition" will be published by the Catholic Truth Society, which used to be a bastion of the true Faith, but was thoroughly corrupted by Newchurch. The ESV's Old Testament is based on the corrupt Hebrew version, which was denounced by such lights of the early Catholic Church as Justin Martyr. Christ and His Apostles used nearly exclusively not the later Hebrew text, but the earlier Greek Septuagint, which antedates the extant Hebrew version by about a millennium.
The ESV New Testament is based upon the so-called Critical Text, first issued in 1881, by Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort, who are widely considered to be heretics, even by many Protestants! Traditionally, Sacred Scripture would be translated from St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate, as is the Douay-Rheims Version. St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate was declared by the dogmatic Council of Trent to be free of doctrinal and moral error. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Catholic News Agency.]
Traditional Catholics, the teaching of the true Church is "lex orandi statuat legem credendi," let the law of praying determine the law of believing. Because Newchurch's "liturgy" is invalid, blasphemous, sacrilegious, and idolatrous, therefore its members, praying at a fake Mess, have been made apostates from the Catholic Faith. Thank the Lord that you have the fully Traditional Latin Mass, Sacraments, and Catholic Faith at your church, chapel, or oratory independent from the apostate Newchurch of the New Order and, in your charity, say a prayer of thanks to that Lord for your own independent Traditional Catholic priest, who courageously stands against the fake Newchurch of the New Order.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
There have been discussions in our family about the validity of Newchurch (Novus Ordo) episcopal consecration, and during those discussions I mentioned that even if Francis-Bergoglio were a "good man" (whatever that means), he could not be a pope, as he is not a priest let alone a Bishop of Rome. I remembered something that I heard about in our Church's history: a man being elected pope who was not a priest, but had to be ordained a priest, then consecrated a bishop before he could be crowned as pope. Could you expound more about this requirement?
THE TRADITIO FATHERS REPLY.Yes, it is basic Catholic Sacramental theology. Because the Newchurch of the New Order, which was founded and given its constitution on November 21, 1964, at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church as the "institutional" Church, is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church and uses the invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, it cannot validly ordain or consecrate anyone.
In 1968 Newchurch itself recognized this fact by changing its own terminology in its official books (translated from the Latin) from "priest" to "presbyter" and from "ordain" to "install." Thus, since 1968 Newchurch has not ordained valid Catholic priests or consecrated valid Catholic bishops. Newchurch merely has "ministers," like the Protestants, who reject the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the priesthood.
You are correct that a pope to be valid must be ordained as a priest, consecrated as a bishop to become the Bishop of Rome. Bergoglio was neither ordained nor consecrated in the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Orders. He is no more than a Protestant minister, like Billy Graham or Joel Osteen. He is certainly NOT the Bishop of Rome, and therefore not a valid pope.
By the way, Newchurch's fake "popes" are not crowned any longer. Montini (aka "Paul VI") gave the papal crown away in 1968 to a museum, and none of the fake Newchurch "popes" have been crowned since then.
The gutsy Traditional Carmelites of Arlington (Dallas), Texas, are not backing down to Michael Olson, Francis-Bergoglio's Dictator Newbishop, who has tried to silence the courageous Carmelite nuns. The nuns have stood firm against Olson and Bergoglio, proclaiming that the two are trying to effect "a hostile takeover that we cannot in conscience accept." Olson won't provide a fake (invalid) New Order presbyter -- which the nuns in any case don't want -- so they have gone outside to bring in two priests from an independent Traditional Catholic group.
Olson had tried to split the community, but the Carmelite nuns have stood staunchly behind their Mother Superior Marie against the slanders that Newbishops typically use against Traditional Catholics. First, Olson accused the Mother Superior of supposed sexual improprieties. When it came to light that the Mother Superior had been seriously ill, in fact under anaesthesia at the time of the supposed improprieties, that lie fell. When Olson then accused the nuns of "drug abuse," the nuns sued Olson for slander, and he subsequently backed off.
Now the courageous nuns have told Olson that if he dares set one foot onto their property, they will have him arrested for criminal trespass. Donations continue to pour in from laypeople who have long supported the significant work of the nuns. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Katholisch.]
Traditional Catholics, using the usual Newchurch slander techniques against independent Traditional Catholic priests, Olson come up with yet another colorful adjective against them, "fractious" In this, Olson is simply following the example of his master, the pretender Newpope Bergoglio, who has logged no fewer than fifty vile and filthy words against even his own pseudo-traditionalistic members. Bergoglio's favorite seems to be "coprophiliacs," literally, shit-eaters. One cannot recall any previous supposed pope who has had such a slanderous, filthy mouth as the apostate Marxist/Modernist Bergoglio. Too bad the fake Newpope's mother isn't still around to wash out his mouth with good Argentinean soap!
Francis-Bergoglio is so desperate to create his new Synodal Church that he has had the heart of his latest "Newsaint," the teenager Carlo Acutis, cut out of his body for Novus Ordo "worship" in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Acutis is being made the poster-boy of Bergoglio and his Newchurch, by 2025 to become the Synodal Church. Newchurch long ago corrupted the process of "con-anization" into invalidity, and this whole Acutis saga has become disgusting, with amulets, films, and other kinds of commercialization making money off his corpse.
It wasn't bad enough that the poor boy's 15-year-old corpse, dressed in a jump suit like a common prisoner, was put on display in a glass coffin, like the Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin. Now the dead boy's heart has been cut out of his corpse, in a procedure more reminiscent of the Ancient Egyptian pagans than of Catholic Christians. To call Bergoglio a pagan is an affront to the reverent Ancient Egyptians! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic Culture.]
Traditional Catholics, is there any abomination that Bergoglio won't perpetrate to advance his New Age agenda? This necrophilia, which has become an obsession in Newchurch, has gotten completely out of control. It is merely another form of creepy child abuse. We should remember that Our Lord Jesus Christ is, as St. Luke so aptly puts it: "not the God of the dead, but of the living: for all live to him" (Luke 20:38/DRV).
The press has been deluding readers with the terms "Latin Mass" and "Traditional Catholic" for those who are associated with the "New Latin Mess" of 1962. Now a new study blows away that lie, showing that these pseudo-traditionalists in fact identify themselves with the Newchurch of the New Order and reject the Traditional Latin Mass, that is, the Mass before the Bugnini corruptions that started in 1951. Such types include the pseudo-traditionalistic "indult" groups like the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of Christ the King (ICR), which are handmaidens of Bergoglio's Newchurch, soon to become the Synodal Church.
A survey released on July 16, 2024, from the Baylor Institute for Religious Study concluded that, far from what being traditional, these pseudo-traditionalistic, "New Latin Mass" types actually identify themselves with the Newchurch of the New Order and the apostate Vatican II Anti-council. When asked whether they "accept the teachings of Vatican II," only 11 per cent were found to reject completely the Anti-council. Moreover, these types "accept the authority (sic)" of Francis-Bergoglio. The belief that Bergoglio has been ipso facto deposed from the papacy because of public schism, heresy, and apostasy was "extremely rare" among the "New Latin Mess" types. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Baylor Institute for the Study of Religion.]
Such Newchurch pseudo-traditionalists do not have priests, but instead use presbyters (ministers), not ordained, but merely "installed" (Newchurch's term) under the Protestantized 1968 New Ordinal. What they identify with is not even the Traditional Latin Mass, the Mass that existed in 1950 before the Bugnini and Vatican II corruptions in the true Mass, the Divine Office, Holy Week, Marian and Saints' feasts, and the traditional Roman Calendar. They cling to the 1962 New Latin Mess, a transitional Mess intended to last for just a couple of years until it could be turned into the full-blown "New Mess" of 1969, as did actually happen. The pseudo-traditionalists have been played by Newchurch for fools, and they swallowed the Big Lie hook line and sinker.
Traditional Catholics, there is still the erroneous notion out there that Newchurchers who like the "New Latin Mess" of 1962 are Traditional Catholics. As this study proves, they are not, any more than are the High Anglicans or High Lutherans, who love the "smells and bells" and even some Latin. Yet neither Anglicans, Lutherans, or Newchurchers are Catholic, as whatever traditionalistic cloak they throw over themselves, they are still material heretics, following a Newpope who is even worse, a Marxist/Modernist apostate from the Catholic Church and thus no pope at all. Moreover, because of Francis-Bergoglio's 2021 decree "Traditionis custodes," so far 300 "New Latin Messes" (37.5%) have been shut down, with the number of shutdowns increasing every month. Pretty soon, there won't be any "New Latin Mess" types to survey!
Francis-Bergoglio's reputation is on trial in British High Court for his role in masterminding the 2014 London real-estate fraud, in which he lost Newchurch funds and donations to the tune of 375,000,000 USD. Although financial officials pointed the finger at Bergoglio as the mastermind of the fraud, the decision-maker at every point, Bergoglio, as has been his hypocritical habit in other cases, has been trying to point the finger of responsibility at ten others.
On July 18, 2024, the trial is drawing to a close, initiated by British-Italian broker Raffaele Mincione, whom Bergoglio submitted to a kangaroo court in Newvatican, which attempted to shift the responsibility from Bergoglio to Mincione and nine others. Mincione was "convicted" by Bergoglio's kangaroo court, whose full decision has never been published.
The British High Court refused to accede to Bergoglio's attempts to get the case dismissed and for the first time brought a "pope" (Bergoglio as an apostate from the Catholic Faith is de facto deposed from any office; moreover, he has never been ordained as a Catholic priest or consecrated as a Catholic bishop) before the bar of a foreign country. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newsmax.]
Traditional Catholics, the corrupt apostate Newpope Bergoglio will, of course, admit nothing, but his filthy hands are all over this fraud. Kudos to the British for seeing him forced to answer for his corrupt actions. It would be wonderful if justice were finally done, and the pretender pope were exposed for the fraudster he is.
You know that things are getting bad when Newchurch bishops begin suing their own members. But God's justice lately has been catching up with unconsecrated (fake) Newchurch bishops. Kevin Vann, Newbishop of Orange County in California, tried to expropriate money for his own project from an independent charitable foundation. Vann need beaucoup dollars to restore his Taj Mahal, a restored Crystal Cathedral, purchased for over 50,000,000 USD from the organization of Robert Schuller, the televangelist
Suzanne Nunn, a devout woman who was an administrator of the charity, was nonplussed and sent an E-mail expressing her objections. She has refused to apologize to the Newbishop because "each and every word" of the E-mail in question was true, she said. The "Dictator" Newbishop decided to sue the elderly woman for libel, even though she was taking care of her husband suffering from dementia. For over three years the Newbishop never gave up harassing the poor woman. He even fired the entire charity board for not handing over the money to him.
Although Francis-Bergoglio turned a deaf ear to Nunn's appeal, a California Superior Court judge did not. He threw out the Newbishop's lawsuit and joined from the bench in Nunn's criticism of the Newbishop's shockingly illegal conduct. He ordered the Newbishop to pay Nunn's legal expenses in the amount of 2,000,000 USD. The Newbishop had probably an equal amount of legal expenses, likely subsidized from his Newchurchers' collection plate. The judge also reversed the Newbishops firing of the entire board as having been illegal.
It is Bergoglio himself, who has inspired such dictatorial, uncharitable actions. As recently reported in these Commentaries, he has purloined 90 per cent of the funds donated to the Peter's Pence collection from around the world, the collection that is supposed to assist the most needy poor, into his own pocket as operating expenses to run his corrupt Newvatican. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Los Angeles Times.]
Traditional Catholics, the Nunn case shows once again that the Newchurch clergy are frauds and hypocrites. Why is it that Newchurch always talks about "love," but never practices it? Newarchbishop Vann has wasted 2,000,000,000 of his own Newchurchers' funds on a vendetta against an elderly woman who sought only justice. Newchurch prelates don't read the Bible any more, or at least they don't practice its teachings. Newbishop Vann is apparently ignorant of the Parable of the Persistent Woman, in which Our Lord warns such a hypocrite as he: "And will not God revenge his elect who cry to him day and night? And will he have patience in their regard? I say to you that he will quickly revenge them (Luke 8:7-8/DRV).
Catholicism was brought to the New World essentially by Christopher Columbus, who viewed his role as a missionary for the true Catholic Faith. The apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of the Americas, occurred in 1531, and conversions to the Faith shot up from the native pagan religions at an incredible rate. Since the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, replaced the true Church as the "institutional" Church at the apostate Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) , Hispanics have been turning their backs on the Faith. Those remaining in Newchurch have been paganized by Francis-Bergoglio into worshipping pagan gods again, like the infamous nude fertility goddess Pachamama, whose idol has replaced that of the Blessed Virgin Mary in many Newchurches already.
Stunning new figures show that Hispanics, who were once the backbone of the Catholic Church in the Western Hemisphere, are now leaving the Newchurch of the New Order in droves. The respected Pew Research Center has reported that in the last decade more than half of the Hispanic Newchurchers in the United States have left, from a population of 67 per cent to 43 per cent. The greatest loss is those under 30, as now only 30 per cent of Hispanics aged 18-29 still identify as Newchurchers. Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust and its "homosexualization" by giving "gay" blessings and approving sodomite "civil unions" are major factors. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, isn't it ironic that Hispanics are abandoning the fake (invalid) New Order "eucharist," rejecting the fake (invalid) "Rite of Reconciliation" that replaced the Sacrament of Penance in Newchurch, and spurning the fake (invalid) New Order "Mess." Hispanics were particularly close to the Traditional Latin Mass, as modern Spanish is simply a vulgar form of Latin. Because of Hispanics' abandonment of Newchurch, Newchurch as a whole is sinking fast in the Western Hemisphere. In the United States Hispanics, once a majority, now make up barely 40 per cent of all Newchurchers, and that number is dropping precipitously. They should return to the true, Traditional Roman Catholic Church before it is too late.
As Francis-Bergoglio continues his pogrom against the New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass, but merely a transitional stage to the full-blown fake (invalid) New Order (Novus Ordo) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess of 1969, he expelled on July 14, 2024, the pseudo-traditionalistic group of presbyters known as the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, also known as the Transalpine Redemptorists.
The Transalpines were originally part of Bernie Fellay's pseudo-traditionalist Neo-SSPX. That was bad enough, but then they made the fatal mistake of putting themselves directly under the Newchurch of the New Order. With Bergoglio's termination of the Transalpines, the New Latin Mass has also been essentially terminated in New Zealand. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News.]
Traditional Catholics, the expulsion of the pseudo-traditionalistic group was effected at the direction of Bergoglio and his henchmen, Newcardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Dicastery for the (Novus Ordo) Institutes of Consecrated Life & Societies of Apostolic Life, and the Newbishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, Michael Gielen. Anyone who thinks that Bergoglio's 2021 decree "Traditionis custodes" isn't being vehemently enforced is fooling himself. Bergoglio and Newchurch are out to exterminate all pseudo-traditionalistic groups within Newchurch to make way for the new Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "Synodal Church" at the end of 2024.
It was announced on July 9, 2024, that although Francis-Bergoglio has taken the question of deaconnesses off the agenda for final session of his "Synodal Church" in October, apparently because it was too controversial and would face opposition from too many of the participants, Bergoglio has not given up on this attempted introduction of women into clerical positions in the "Synodal Church." The topic will be included in yet another meeting on "women's leadership."
Bergoglio has referred the question to the infamous Modernist heretic Newcardinal Victor Fernandez, whom Bergoglio appointed to head the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the (New Order) Faith, the same Fernandez who recently approved the "blessing" for sodomites. To the contrary, the true Catholic Church teaches with St. Paul: "Let women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted them to speak, but to be subject, as also the law saith" (1 Corinthians 14:34/DRV). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the installation of deaconesses is believed to be the "camel's nose under the tent" for Bergoglio to start "installing" women as presbyteresses. (Newchurch stopped ordaining priests when it adopted the Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968, which now only installs presbyters (ministers). The cunning Bergoglio only recently stated that women could not be deaconnesses. Part of his modus operandi is to issue conflicting statements so that his Newchurchers are too confused to object.
The nexus in Newchurch between crimes of paedophilia and crimes of embezzlement was again established when presbyter Ignazio Medina pled guilty on July 11, 2024, in U.S. Federal Court to criminal charges of embezzling 300,000 USD from his St. Stanislaus Newparish in Wardsville, Missouri, and transporting the stolen property across state lines. The presbyter also engaged in sexual solicitation in the Newchurch invalid (fake) Non-sacramental Protestantized New "Rite of Reconciliation" (Newchurch did away with the Sacrament of Penance in 1973.)
In 2021 the presbyter was transferred to a different Newparish and emptied the St. Stanislaus account by sending 100,000 USD to a sister in Arizona and keeping 200,000 USD for himself. He faces up to ten years in a federal penitentiary, where he can do his extensive penance. The charge of sexual solicitation in the "Rite of Reconciliation" is one of the gravest, in fact a Sacrilege, that can be committed by a clergyman and leads, by right, to expulsion from the clerical state. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, currently run by the pretender Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, is thoroughly corrupt, and no true Catholic can have anything to do with it. It has no valid Mass, no value Sacraments, and is entirely without power to impart grace. Moreover, its Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust continues unabated, and the dead souls of millions of raped, sodomized, and otherwise sexually assaulted children, from babies to teenagers, cry out to Heaven for vengeance against Newchurch's Newpopes, Newcardinals, Newbishops, and presbyters, as one of the four gravest Biblical sins that can be committed.
On July 3, 2024, Francis-Bergoglio declared the Eastern Newchurch in "schism" from him. The Syro-Malabars join Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano in being declared "schismatic" from the Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. The Syro-Malabar Eastern Rite, 5,000,000 strong, is the second largest Eastern rite in the world. Because of migration it is now a global body with congregations in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Oceania.
It was on that date the Bergoglio pronounced that that Eastern rites must "turn their altars around" for Holy Qurbana, as the Eastern rite is known. Instead, hundreds of Eastern-rite presbyters rejected Bergoglio's Novus Ordo tactics and refused to accept his new "liturgy." Bergoglio's plan to "excommunicate" 400 recalcitrant Eastern-rite presbyters was denounced by several Eastern-rite Newbishops. A circular letter was supposed to be read in the churches on June 16, 2024, but many Eastern-rite Newchurchers publicly burned the letter. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News..]
Traditional Catholics, the apostate Newchurch of the New Order and its fake (invalid) Newpopes is being ripped asunder because of the apostate Vatican II Anti-council's decrees that the Newpopes have imposed on Newchurchers. Schism (from the Greek schizo, to rip in two) has become the new watchword for Newchurch. The process has been accelerated by one of their own, the former Newpapal Nuncio to the United States, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, who has publicly denounced Bergoglio a schismatic and heretic and has called for his desposition.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
On June 26, 2024, five Buddhist monks instructed the congregation of Resurrection (New)parish in Tualatin, Oregon, how to pray and meditate -- in their pagan style -- and then led prayers in front of the "eucharistic dinner table" of the Newchurch temple. These Buddhists are followers of the Dalai Lama, who claims to be the incarnation of one of the pagan gods. Why does Newchurch need "priests," if it can get pagans to act as "priests," fake as Newchurch's unordained "priests" are?
I know that Newchurch has not ordained priests since adoption of the invalid (fake) 1968 Protestantized New Ordinal, but merely "installs presbyters" like Protestant ministers. There is no respect left for the Lord in Newchurch, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, and Newchurch has no graces coming from its fake "sacraments" and "liturgies." I am both sad and angry.
At least the pagan priests are sincere in their erroneous beliefs. Newchurch clergy, who are not priests because they were never validly ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders, but merely "installed as presbyters" like Protestant ministers,. just "play church." We suspect that most of them are like the Anglican/Episcopalians, whose pseudo-bishops don't even have to believe in God.
Even the pagan priests of the Roman empire met a higher standard than Newchurch presbyters of today. Just read the Emperor Julian's (361-363) sublime "Letter to a Priest" (available in the Loeb Classical Library, Julian, Volume II, pages 296-339). The standards he sets are far above those of Newchurch, which claims, falsely, to be the Catholic Church, whereas it is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, but an apostate Protestant-Masonic-Pagan sect.
On July 9, 2024, Francis-Bergoglio published the Instrumentum Laboris, or outline of work, for the "Vatican III" Synod on Synodality, scheduled for October 2-27, 2024, to restructure the Newchurch of the New Order into an fully Protestant-Masonic-Pagan sect to be known as the "Synodal Church." The arch-heretic Martin Luther has won in converting the Newchurch into his Protestant sect. It just took four centuries, during which Pope St. Pius X prevented it at the turn of the 20th century, only to be overridden by the Vatican II Anti-council, which was its ramp-up, together with the 1962 New Latin Mess, which was the transition phase to the invalid (fake) New Mess of 1969.
The first session of the Synod on Synodality, held in October 2023, so signally failed to reach a consensus, that Bergoglio substituted an entirely new Instrumentum Laboris. An international congeries of unconsecrated Newbishops, unordained presbyters, and heretic laymen will vote on the final document, which Bergoglio can accept or completely rewrite at his sole discretion.
The Synodal Church will be "welcoming," a code-word for "gay friendly." Many Protestant sects have already gone in that direction, flying the rainbow "gay" flag on their churches. Here and there Newchurches have been doing the same thing. The Synodal Church, in addition to being homosexual, will be feminized, with women invalidly holding clerical offices. This change has also been implemented in Leftist Protestant churches, where over half of the congregations have walked out to form traditionalistic sects. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, it is remarkable how Francis-Bergoglio's Synodal Church exactly mirrors the heretical Protestant sects, which are imploding, as massive numbers of members are exiting. They are sick and tired of getting not Christian teaching, but homosexual, lesbian, and transsexual propaganda purveyed through feminine clergy. It may well be that Our Lord is destroying the apostate Newchurch created by the Vatican II Anti-council sixty years ago, in order that the true Catholic Church, purged like the wheat from the chaff of the parable, can rise again.
As Francis-Bergoglio continues his pogrom against the New Latin Mess of 1962, which is most certainly NOT the Traditional Latin Mass, but merely a transitional stage to the full-blown fake (invalid) New Order (Novus Ordo) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan Mess, he has cancelled the usual New Latin Mess that takes place at the Basilica-shrine of Our Lady of Covadonga, Spain, around the Feast of St. James the Greater, on July 25. The shrine dates back before the battle of Covadonga, in which the Christians defeated the invading Islamic army in the eighth century A.D. The basilica-shrine receives a million pilgrims each year.
The pilgrimage organizers announced that they had received a prohibition on the New Latin Mess of 1962, from Francis-Bergoglio's Prefect of (New Order) Divine Worship, Newcardinal Victor Fernandez, that in accordance with Bergoglio's decree "Traditionis custodes" of 2021, the New Latin Mass is prohibited. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, this prohibition of the New Latin Mess of 1962 at the basilica-shrine merely gives more credence to reports that, probably on July 16, 2024, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Francis-Bergoglio will restrict the New Latin Mess out of existence. But that is not a bad thing because the New Latin Mess is a fraud. It existed for only two years as part of the transition to the full-blown New Order (Novus Ordo) Mess of 1969, which is an invalid, a Protestant-Masonic-Pagan fake to found the New Age Church, what Bergoglio calls the "Synodal" Church, in which all gods are recognized and all religions are equal.
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Is it true that Sts. Cyril and Methodius were threatened by two popes for daring to celebrate the Mass in a vulgar tongue instead of Latin? Traditionally, only the Sacred Languages can be used in the Church's rites: Latin universally, and normally Biblical Greek in Eastern rites.
Yes, it is true. This papal pronouncement shows the mind of the Church, confirmed in perpetuity by the dogmatic Council of Trent and Pope St. Pius V, from which the Newchurch of the New Order, rejecting Sacred Tradition has heretically schismatized itself.
Instead of sainthood Cyril & Methodius almost became excommunicates. When they began celebrating Mass for the Slavs in Old Church Slavonic, a predecessor of Russian, Pope Stephen II condemned their use of the vulgar tongue and required the Latin language only. on pain of excommunication. Pope John VIII later confirmed this decree of his predecessor, writing to Cyril and Methodius:
We have also noted that you are celebrating Mass in the barbarian tongue .... That is why we have already forbidden you to do so.... You must therefore celebrate in either Latin or Greek, as does the Church of God, which is spread throughout the earth and in all the nations.
The great evangelizers of the Germans and English, Sts. Augustine of Canterbury and Boniface, never thought of departing from the Sacred Latin of the Catholic Church in the Mass and saw their work flourish. Most of the Slavs, however, went into schism and are now part of the Russian Orthodox Church.
While several of those who knew Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the original traditional, Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) are publicly stating that the Archbishop would under the present circumstances of Newchurch be a full-throated sede-vacantist (the Holy See is vacant), Bernie Fellay, who took over the SSPX after Lefebvre's death in 1991, changed its bylaws, and turned it into a Newchurch-loving Neo-SSPX, has backed the apostate Bergoglio when he "excommunicated" the semi-traditionalist Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, former Newpapal Nuncio (2011-2016) to the United States, from the Newchurch of the New Order on July 5, 2024, for "schism," in that he publicly stated the obvious fact: that Bergoglio is a schismatic and a heretic and should be deposed.
Fellay's Neo-SSPX even puts a picture of Bergoglio in its churches to make its submission to the apostate Newpope clear to all when they enter. The great Archbishop Lefebvre is turning over in his grave and ruing the day when consecrated his bookkeeper Fellay at the last minute, when Msgr. Jean-Michel Faure declined consecration out of humility.
Like Archbishop Lefebvre, Newarchbishop Vigano was caught in the meat-grinder of the apostate Newchurch and its pretender (fake) Newpopes. Lefebvre was "excommunicated" in 1988 from Newchurch for "schism," just as was Newarchbishop Vigano in 2024. However, Fellay's Neo-SSPX rejects Vigano because Vigano publicly made a declaration that Bergoglio is a pretender pope. Lefebvre, whether Fellay likes it or not, made the same publicly made the same declaration when he called the Newchurch of the New Order not the Catholic Church, but a different "Conciliar Church," based on the heresies of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965). Lefebvre's biographer and those who knew him best, stated that Lefebvre was going to make an even stronger statement to this effect after 1988, but his death intervened.
Why does the Neo-SSPX and its puppet-master Bernie Fellay consistently play the sycophants to the pretender Bergoglio? The answer is simple. Fellay is a bought man. He seeks power from Newchurch. He wants to be the "top dog" of the pseudo-traditionalists at the hand of Bergoglio. He proudly proclaims that Bergoglio gave him and his henchmen "permission" to hear confessions, when no such permission is required from a man, Bergoglio, who has no power to give any such "permission." As the canonic principles has it: "Nemo dat qui non habet" (No one can give what he doesn't have). [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the U.K. Catholic Herald.]
Traditional Catholics, to use the words of Our Lord in Sacred Scripture, it is certainly undeniable by this point to anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear Francis-Bergoglio cannot be a true pope. He is an outright apostate, publicly and obstinately denying many dogmata of the Catholic Faith and presenting himself as a Marxist/Modernist. There are those who in fact call him an atheist. Such a man by the doctrine of the true Catholic Church cannot validly be a pope. Nequaquam!
On July 5, 2024, the Marxist/Modernist Newchurch of the New Order and its Newpope Francis-Bergoglio continued to implode with internal strife. The "Dictator (New)pope," as he is known in Europe, got more than he bargained for when he "excommunicated" Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, formerly his Nuncio to the United States, from Newchurch on a charge of so-called "schism." Vigano had refused to attend a kangaroo court in Newvatican and instead charged the pretender Newpope not only with schism but also with heresy, then called for his deposition from the papacy. In fact, Bergoglio is more than a heretic and schismatic. He is a public apostate from the Catholic Faith. One cannot canonically be in "schism" from a false sect and a pretender pope. In fact, a true Catholic must shun such a person and such a sect, just as must would shun the Anglican/Episcopalian sect and the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury..
Vigano had been calling out Bergoglio for years, so why all of a sudden did this matter come to a head? Because Vigano revealed the secret that Bergoglio had been carefully hiding for years, not only that he had covered up for paedophile presbyters and Newbishops, like the notorious U.S. Newcardinal McCarrick, but that Bergoglio himself was a paedophile, having assaulted young Newseminarians in Argentina as Master of Novices for the corrupt Newjesuits. Several Newjesuits there knew of this, but were afraid of the wrath of Bergoglio consequences if they publicly admitted the truth, but they did tell Vigano, Bergoglio's Nuncio.
Vigano's "excommunication" from the Newchirch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, is in fact a good thing. Now Vigano is completely independent of the apostate Newchurch, and its pretender Newpopes, like Bergoglio, have no power over him. One can even hope that one day Vigano, who has never been consecrated as a Catholic bishop, but merely "installed" as an "overseer" in the invalid (fake) Protestantized rite of the New Ordinal of 1968, may be truly converted to the Traditional Catholic Faith, publicly abjure his own heresy as a member of the apostate Newchurch, seek admission to a Traditional Catholic seminary, and, only then, find out whether he could become a candidate for true consecration. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, Bergoglio has grievously shot himself in the foot this time. He has released a whirlwind, which will simply move Newcardinals, Newbishops, presbyters, and Newchurch laymen to question Bergoglio's pretended position and his personal morality. Gradually, more and more true Catholics will break from Bergoglio and his fake "Synodal" Church and that of his predecessors going back to the "Unsaint" Paul VI-Montini, the Newpope of the Vatican II Anti-council.
On June 29, 2024, the Dictator of Communist China appointed a Newchurch bishop for Shanghai, under the terms of a concordat that Francis-Bergoglio signed with Dictator Xi Jinping in 2018, which makes Xi the virtual "pope" of China. The concordat was widely condemned as a sellout to the most brutal atheist Communist regime in the world. Xi has selected Giuseppe Yang Yongqiang as bishop of the capital of Red China's eastern province of Zhejiang.
This is not the first Communist "bishop" that Francis-Bergoglio has accepted, even though Communists are excommunicates under Pope Pius XII's 1949 Decree against Communism. Bergoglio, who identified himself as a Marxist in his autobiography, seems to have no problem accepting atheists to be his Newbishops, an action that has been widely condemned around the world. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]
Traditional Catholics, Bergoglio himself is arguably an excommunicate under the terms of Pope Pius XII's 1949 Decree on Communism, which declared that Catholics who professed communist doctrine are excommunicated as apostates from the Christian faith. Bergoglio and probably Paul VI-Montini specifically fall under that excommunication. Of course, they are already excommunicates because of their apostasy from the Catholic Faith.
After the Vatican II Anti-council, in 1968, the Newchurch of the New Order stopped ordaining priests. Instead, it adopted an invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal that merely "installs" Protestant-style "presbyters" (ministers). Newchurch has done away with or invalidated virtually all of the Catholic Sacraments. For example, there is no more Extreme Unction. It has been replaced by a mere "blessing of the sick."
Compare this situation today in the Newchurch, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, with the situation at the time of World War I (1914-1918), when the Catholic chaplaincy corps was not only Catholic but also heroic, as an exhibition at the National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri, entitled "Sacred Service," running through September 2025, documents. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]
Traditional Catholics, the Catholic chaplains, much more than Protestant or Jewish chaplains, were known not just for their Sacramental and spiritual service, but also for taking up stretchers and tending to the wounded. Chaplains were on the battlefield dodging bullets and imparting the Sacrament of Extreme Unction. Even a young John XXIII served as a chaplain in the Royal Italian Army.
Newchurch announced on June 15, 2024, that it would destroy an historic monastery and turn it into a parking lot. The Dominican Monastery of the Holy Rosary in Camden, New Jersey, is the latest victim in Newchurch's pogrom to obliterate everything traditional. The landmark monastery was once celebrated for its beautiful, traditional stained-glass windows. No more.
Why? Because Newchurch is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church; it is an enemy of the true Catholic Church. Moreover, the Dominican order, the order of St. Dominic and St. Thomas Aquinas, is sinking into non-existence like all once-great orders, now that Newchurch has taken them over. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by True Jersey.]
Traditional Catholics, Dominican nuns were once known for teaching children in the Faith across the centuries. In the Thomistic tradition, they were among the kindest of nuns. The nuns at Holy Rosary used to pray the rosary 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the monastery. That stopped when Newchurch took over the building and allowed the monastery to sink into a state of "severe disrepair."
Peter's Pence, which is contributed to through the Newchurch collection plate and is hyped by Newchurch as going to the most-needy poor, is actually going into Bergoglio's Newvatican bureaucrats, as announced on July 1, 2024. 90 per cent of the collections now goes to the black hole of Newvatican's operating budget, bankrupted because even Newchurchers detest Bergoglio's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust and his attempt to replace Newchurch by a Protestant-Pagan "Synodal Church."
Profits in the now-exposed scam fund have dropped off significantly, by half from 2022 to 2023. Income in 2022 totaled some 45,000,000 USD. Expenses totaled some 120,000,000 USD. The collection takes place in Newchurch on the Sunday nearest the feast of Sts. Peter & Paul, June 29.
In the United States, all 300 Newbishops have been sued in federal court for lying to their congregations, telling them that their donations to the Peter's Pence collection is going to help the most-needy poor, whereas in fact 90 per cent of it is being robbed to run Bergoglio's fancied "Synodal Church." So desperate is Bergoglio now that he has been selling off church properties in an attempt to meet the budget and avoid total bankruptcy. To hide Newchurch's desperate situation, Bergoglio has not published a full financial statement since 2021. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Newchurch news sources.]
Traditional Catholics, most of the "charitable" donations to Peter's Pence now go to paying salaries of Newvatican bureaucrats, and Newchurchers' donations to the Peter's Pence collection have tanked. Financial experts conclude that Newvatican is less than five years away from total bankruptcy and say that Newvatican is most certainly not "too big to fail."
Dear TRADITIO Fathers:
Why must the Traditional Latin Mass be celebrated only in Latin, and the vulgar tongues be prohibited in the Sacred Rites?
There are many reasons, some of them dogmatic, as decreed by the dogmatic Council of Trent in its 22nd session. The theology of the Catholic Church for two thousand years has been embedded in the Latin language, which is a precise method for encasing Sacred Tradition. Languages are not interchangeable, and the Church has traditionally declared that the most precise expression of the Roman Catholic Faith is enshrined in the Latin language by the Providence of God in perpetuity.
Latin is immutable, non-vernacular, and in its very nature gives rise to no jealousies. It does not favor any one nation, but presents itself with equal impartiality to all and is equally acceptable to all. In a significant way it gives to the Church its dogmatic Four Marks of "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic." In the so-called Reformation, the Protestants eventually dumped Latin in their "services" because their heretical theology could not well be expressed in it. The Modernists of the Vatican II Anti-council (1962-1965) also dumped it because their heresies could not well be expressed in it.
Take, for example, how the Modernists have manipulated the word "spirit." In English, there are many meanings for the word. With the Modernist heretics, often it is impossible to know to what they are referring. Are they talking about the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity or are they talking about some subjective notion like the charismatic Protestants? The Modernists deliberately create ambiguity in order that they can express their heretical notions more easily.
One of the best explanations for the perpetual use of the Sacred Latin language in the Roman Catholic Church and the severe deficiencies of the vulgar tongues can be found in John XXIII's Apostolic Constitution "Veterum sapientia" of 1962. For this document, together with a number of other documents on the matter, click on "The Necessity of Latin for the Roman Catholic Church, From the writings of Roman Catholic Saints, Popes, and Theologians" in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu (www.traditio.com).
On June 27, 2024, the German (New)bishops' Conference reported yet another year of plunging numbers of their Newchurch members. Germans, like many Newchurchers around the world, are abandoning the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, which is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church, in large numbers. Some are returning to the thousands of Traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories that had wisely remained independent of the Newchurch. In 2023 another 402,694 Newchurch members left, whereas a mere 5,686 people joined or rejoined, barely 1 per cent of the total loss. This was the second worst year ever for Newchurch. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]
Traditional Catholics, Germans are still smarting from Newchurch's continuing Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust, which the current apostate Newpope, Francis-Bergoglio, has done virtually nothing to stop. Many Newchurchers reject Bergoglio's attempt to create a "Synodal Church," which is anti-Roman Catholic, anti-Latin language, pro-sodomite, and pro-Pagan, as exemplified in the new Aztec Messes and Goddess Pachamama Messes.
Yes, putative popes can be schismatics and heretics, in which case they are not popes, according to the principles of St. Robert Bellarmine and many other Roman Catholic theologians. For further information on this topic, click on POPELIM.TXT: Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics) department, available from the TRADITIO Network's main menu (www.traditio.com).
On this principle, Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano has charged Francis-Bergoglio with schism and heresy on June 28, 2024. The result of Vigano's charges will be exposure of Bergoglio's complete apostasy from the Catholic Faith (if he ever had it) to the Neocons and Pseudo-traditionalists, who have so far blinded themselves to the truth. Accordingly, Vigano has called for Bergoglio's deposition from the Newpapacy, "which he has unworthily occupied for over 11 years."
On the very same day, June 28, 2024, Bergoglio confirmed his apostasy by once again pontificating that Christians, Jews, and Muslims are "brothers and sisters, who all worship the one God," as expressed in the "Abrahamic religions." This is the heresy of Oecumenism. Protestants reject part of the Bible and reject Sacred Tradition. Talmudic Jews in their scriptures express hatred for Christians. Muslims worship "Allah" and follow not Christ, but a murderous general, whose hatred for non-Muslims is clearly delineated in the Koran. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Breitbart.]
Traditional Catholics, even the Protestant Evangelical pastor Franklin Graham holds that Christians and Muslims "clearly do not worship the same God." He states that "Islamists deny that God has a Son. They deny that Jesus is God. They do not believe in a Triune God -- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Islam and Christianity clearly do not worship the same God."
The Neo-SSPX, run by Bernie Fellay, who in 1994 destroyed Archbishop Leebvre's original Society of St. Pius X, has again shown its true colors. Instead of standing by the correct judgment of Lefebvre, who called the Newchurch of the New Order the apostate "Conciliar Church," not the Catholic Church, the Neo-SSPX, which is a Newchurch-leaning sect, in a June 24, 2024, statement denied the fact that Lefebvre was a sede-vacantist, just as is Newarchbishop Carlo Vigano, whom Francis-Bergoglio is now threatening with a spurious "excommunication" from Newchurch.
Lefebvre was excommunicated on July 1, 1988, from Newchurch, which act was of no concern to him because he didn't consider Newchurch to be the Catholic Church, nor the "Unsaint" Newpope JPII-Wojtyla to be a true pope. Bergoglio is threatening Vigano with the same charade. No matter. Neither Lefebvre nor Vigano nor many true Catholics believe that the apostate Bergoglio is a true pope or that the Newchurch of the New Order is the Catholic Church.
Yet Bernie Fellay and his hangers-on, lacking the Catholic faith and courage of Archbishop Lefebvre, still continue to play the sycophants to the apostate Newchurch of the New Order and its pretender Newpopes. Moreover, both Bergoglio and the Neo-SSPX's preceding USA Superior have now been personally outed as paedophiles, and its Superior convicted and imprisoned. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Crux News Service.]
Traditional Catholics, Archbishop Lefebvre was actually more than a sede-vacantist; he was an ecclesia-vacantist. That is, he believed (correctly) not only that the current pope is a pretender but also that the Newchurch of the New Order is not the Catholic Church, but an apostate non-Catholic sect, which he called the "Conciliar Church." His biographer also noted that he was intending to spurn the Half New Order "Mess of 1962" and return to the fully Traditional Latin Mass. He had accepted the 1962 Mess grudgingly and temporarily, he said, only because he could out of practicality fight Newchurch on only one front at a time, and he thought that the most important heresy to fight was the Vatican II Anti-council's and Josef Ratzinger's anti-Catholic concept of "religious liberty," what we now call the Heresy of Oecumenism, which teaches that "we all worship the same gods" and "all religions are true."