MAY 2024


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May 10, 2024 - St. Antoninus, Bishop & Confessor
Double Feast

Francis-Bergoglio's Spokesman Announces the Death of the Priesthood in Newchurch
He Openly Rejects in the Apostate Newpope's Name the Dogmatic Teaching Council of Trent

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Jean-Claude Hollerich & Francis-Bergoglio

Francis-Bergoglio Has Given His Spokesman
Newcardinal Hollerich His Instructions
Hollerich then Announced
That the Catholic Priesthood
As Dogmatically Defined by the Council of Trent
Is Dead
And Is Being Replaced with a Protestant Model
Of Ministers and Assemblies of the People

The apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio's spokesman, Newcardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, on May 6, 2024, rejected the dogmatic Council of Trent in the apostate Newpope's name, demanding that Newchurch presbyters (ministers) "leave behind the Tridentine model of priesthood and embrace synodality." Hollerich was appointed by Bergoglio to head the next plenary session of the "Great Synod on Synodality," which has been described as a Vatican III Anti-council to turn the Newchurch of the New Order into an openly pagan organization.

"Synodality" is Bergoglio's pet notion of turning his Newchurch of the New Order into a Protestant model. The dogmatic Council of Trent is bedrock Catholicism, which canonized for all time the Traditional Latin Mass (which is not the half New Order "New Latin Mess of 1962"), the Latin Sacraments, and traditional Catholic doctrine and morality against the heresies of the Protestants.

Hollerich has denounced the "Tridentine model of the priesthood." That model is a sacrificial priesthood, in which priests are ordained in Holy Orders "to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead" and to forgive sins in the name of Christ. The Newchurch model is an abandonment of the priesthood and the Mass and the substitution of a Protestant ministry to preside over "assemblies of the people." In fact, Newchurch stopped ordaining priests in 1968 and adopted a Protestantized New Ordinal that merely "installs presbyters," like Protestant ministers. In 1969 Newchurch rejected the Mass and substituted an invalid (fake) "service" based upon Protestant and Jewish models. Newchurch is now openly Protestant, lacking a Mass, Sacraments, and supernatural grace. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic World News..]

Traditional Catholics, nothing is clearer under the sun than that the Newchurch of the New Order, founded in 1964 at the Vatican II Anti-council to replace the Catholic Church, is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church. Often it is not even Christian, but openly pagan. Newcardinal Hollerich, as a spokesman for Bergoglio, already proclaimed that sodomy, one of the Four Biblical Sins that Cry out to Heaven for God's Retribution, is not even a sin. Shortly thereafter, on December 18, 2023, Francis-Bergoglio confirmed this vile teaching in his decree "Fiducia supplicans" encouraging the "blessing" of sodomite "couples." Numerous prelates have at last been pushed to admit the obvious reality that Bergoglio is not a pope, but an apostate pretender, just as were his immediate predecessor Newpopes.


Ascension of Our Lord

"The Ascension" By Gustave Dore, 1879
Oil on Canvas, 610 x 420 cm

"Et Dominus quidem Iesus,
postquam locutus est eis,
assumptus est in caelum,
et sedet a dextris Dei."

[And the Lord Jesus,
after he had spoken to them,
was taken up into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of God.]
(Mark 16:19)

May 8, 2024 - Apparition of St. Michael the Archangel
Double Major Feast - Vigil of the Ascension of Our Lord

Major Investigation Shows the New Orleans Newarchdiocese Involved in Child Sex Trafficking
And that the Newarchbishops Were Personally Aware of the Assaults on the Child Victims

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
New Orleans Newseminary

On the Chopping Block
Newchurch's New Orleans Newseminary
Has Been Fingered in a State Police Investigation
As the Locus of Sexual Assaults on Children
Together with the New Orleans Newparishes
The Judicial Warrants Indicate
That the Newchurch Archbishops
Were Personally "Aware of Rampant Sexual Abuse"
[Assaults] throughout the Newarchdiocese
The Newarchdiocese Is in Bankruptcy
And May Be Permanently Shut Down

On April 30, 2024, the Louisiana State Police served criminal warrants on the Newarchdiocese of New Orleans and its Newarchbishops for "felony violations of the law that prohibits 'trafficking of children for a sexual purpose.'" The New Orleans Newarchbishops were said to be personally "aware of rampant sexual abuse [assaults] throughout the (New)archdiocese."

The child victims were transported to various Newchurch parishes, where they were sexually assaulted. In addition to Newparishes being the sites of the criminal assaults, the New Orleans Newchurch Seminary and its swimming pool became the locus of rampant sexual assaults upon children. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, the warrants charge that "previous (New)archbishops ... not only knew of the [widespread] sexual abuse and failed to report all the claims to law enforcement, but [also] spent (New)archdiocese funding to support the accused.” The Newarchdiocese was also charged with paying off the victims to dismiss the charges. The Newarchdiocese of New Orleans has been in bankruptcy since May 2020. If the investigators do their job, the entire Newchurch organization will be closed down permanently.

May 7, 2024 - St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr - Rogation Tuesday
Double Feast

Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem Are Ramping up Their Anti-Christian Attacks
And Spitting on Christian Pilgrims, with Little Response from the Israeli Government

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Christian Pilgrims Spat Upon

Out of Control
Increasing Reports Come in from Jerusalem
That Orthodox Jews Are Attacking
And Spitting upon Christian Pilgrims
Walking the Sacred Via Dolorosa
The Benedictine Abbot Was also Attacked
In the American Quarter of Jerusalem
The Israeli Government Has Been Slow
To Respond to the Incidents
But Now Tourism Money Is Declining
And even Evangelicals Are Complaining

One hears so much hyperbole about anti-Judaic sentiments on the part of Christians that the other half of the story is often lost: anti-Christian bigotry by Orthodox Jews. But in recent months the Jerusalem papers have been reporting on several prominent issues involving Orthodox Jews harassing Christians in that city. These incidents were increasing in late April 2024, as Jews flooded into Jerusalem for Pascha (Passover).

Orthodox Jews were caught spitting on Christian pilgrims and their Holy Places, including the Via Dolorosa, the sacred route Christ took to Calvary. In February 2024 Benedictine Abbot Nicodemus Schnabel was attacked in the American quarter of Jerusalem, and reporters have been recording Orthodox Jews audibly blaspheming against Jesus in Hebrew.

So out of control have attacks by Orthodox Jews upon Christians grown that a data center has been set up to document such attacks against Christians. So far the Israeli government has turned a deaf ear to the problem. However, the number of attacks has increased to the point that Christian tourism to Israel is declining, and Western support for the Israeli-Gaza War is being undermined. In the end, money talks. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, it is scandalous how much money Evangelical groups, particularly in the United States, pour into Israel, whereas their own Bible tells them that their primary responsibility is to "the household of the [Christian] Faith" (Galatians 6:10/DRV). One has to wonder whether the loyalties of the so-called Evangelicals -- who, by the way, are particularly beloved to the apostate Newpope Francis-Bergoglio -- are to Christ or Caiphas.

May 6, 2023 - St. John, Apostle & Evangelist before the Latin Gate - Rogation Monday
Double Major Feast

Catholic Traditionalist Movement Founder Died 19 Years Ago Today on May 6
Fr. Gommar DePauw Started the Traditional Catholic Movement Six Years before the SSPX even Existed

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Gommar DePauw

Fr. Gommar DePauw (1918-2005)
Had Attended the Vatican II Anti-council
As a Peritus (Theological Expert)
But Went Independent in 1964
When That Anti-council Founded the Newchurch in 1964
Fr. DePauw Founded the Catholic Traditionalist Movement
When there Was Virtually Nothing Left
For (Traditional) Catholics in the 1960s
Except Fr. DePauw's Traditional Latin Masses on Radio
And His Periodical, Sounds of Truth and Tradition

If you ask most traditional Catholics who the founder of the Traditional Catholic Movement was, most of them wouldn't have an clue. Some of them might say Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who founded the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in 1970. But they would be dead wrong. Such ignorance is a scandal to the Traditional Catholic Movement, as every important movement commemorates and lauds its founder, and certainly knows his name! In fact, May 6, 2025, marks the nineteenth anniversary of the death of the founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, Fr. Gommar DePauw. Fr. DePauw was a noted Catholic priest, having received a Triple Major Licentiate, in Canon Law, Moral Theology, and Church History, from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium (when it was Catholic), thereby outdoing Fulton Sheen, and having served as Academic Dean at the Primatial Seminary of the United States in Baltimore, Maryland.

Already in 1963 Fr. DePauw, who viewed the debacle of the Vatican II Anti-council sessions first hand as a peritus (theological expert assisting a bishop), was scandalized by the promulgation of Vatican II's "Sacrosanctum Concilium" (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) and saw, before practically anyone else, clergy or lay, the devastation that this document would impose upon the Church. In 1964 Fr. DePauw left his Deanship at the Primatial Seminary and founded the Catholic Traditionalist Movement, courageously going independent of the Newchurch of the New Order. 1964 was the year in which the Vatican II Anti-council and Paul VI-Montini apostatized from the Catholic Faith and founded the apostate Newchurch of the New Order to replace the Catholic Church with the heretical Constitution for the [New]church, "Lumen gentium." This was six years before Archbishop Lefebvre founded the Society of St. Pius X.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Fr. DePauw's anti-Modernist movement was that this remarkable priest founded the Catholic Traditionalist Movement before the Vatican II Anti-council had even ended! Long before Archbishop Lefebvre, SSPX, SSPV, CMRI, SSPV, the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla's "Indult" of 1988, and Benedict-Ratzinger's "Extraordinary" New Latin Mess of 2007, it was Fr. DePauw who first saw that the flowery talk of a "new springtime" for the Church was a ruse being deceptively used to befuddle the faithful while the revolutionaries enacted their heretical Modernist anti-Catholic agenda, which began with the destruction of the Traditional Latin Mass in their Newchurch of the New Order.

In the aftermath of the Vatican II Anti-council, there was virtually nothing left for traditional Catholics in the early 1960s except Fr. DePauw's Traditional Latin Masses on radio in major metropolitan areas and his Catholic Traditionalist Movement periodicals and recordings, broadcasted all over North America from his Ave Maria Chapel on Westbury, Long Island, New York, to put the lie to Newchurch's claim that the two-thousand-year Traditional Latin Mass no longer existed. For those who lived through the early Novus Ordo period, it was a bleak time, yet, because of Fr. DePauw's courageous apostolic work, countless souls were inspired to resist the New Order, and thus he laid the groundwork for the current traditional Catholic movement. He continued to be an outspoken critic of Newchurch and its phony (invalid) Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" until his death in 2005.

Fr. DePauw, with the eye of a prophet seeing far ahead of his time, did not grovel to the Novus Ordo to seek "permission" of apostate Newchurch bishops or send petitions to apostate Newpopes to grant an "indult" for what he and every Catholic priest has the Apostolic right and duty to do: to offer the Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Latin Sacraments for the salvation of souls, and to offer the Sacrifice of the immemorial True Mass for the living and the dead and for the ultimate glory of Almighty God.

Traditional Catholics, get down on your knees today and pray a Requiem aeternam for this courageous traditional Catholic priest who showed us all the right way, the traditional Catholic way, and refused to back down to the apostate Newchurch of the New Order, with its Novus Ordo Protestant-Masonic-Pagan "New Mess" or its "New Latin Mess" of 1962. If you have the fullyTraditional Latin Mass and Sacraments today in your independent Traditional Catholic church, chapel, or oratory, you would not have them unless Fr. Gommar DePauw had courageously paved the way to give them to you. All the other "traditionalist" organizations, including the Society of St. Pius X, were johnny-come-latelys to the work that the courageous and foresightful Fr. DePauw undertook to save the Traditional Catholic Church.

April 5, 2024 - Fifth Sunday after Easter - Rogation Sunday
Semidouble Sunday

Desperate Newchurch Pulls the Plug on AI Presbyter
The Artificial Intelligence Clergyman Was Universally Mocked and Gave out Disinformation

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Fake 'Fr. Justin'

Newchurch's Fake AI Presbyter
Named "Fr. Justin"
A Newchurch Agency Tried to Trick
Clueless Newchurchers
Into Accepting Answers on the New Order Religion
From the Fake Presbyter
And 1,000 Newchurchers an Hour
Fell for the Ruse
Which Provided Them with Disinformation
Like "Initiation by Gatorade"

Isn't the Newchurch of the New Order getting so desperate? Attendance at its fake (invalid) "New Mess" is plummeting, collections and donations are way down because of rampant Newchurch paedophilia, embezzlement, and other scandals, and even Francis-Bergoglio's secular popularity has taken a big hit. Because Newchurches are being closed right and left, up to half and more in some Newdioceses, and because the number of presbyters dying, retiring, and quitting has depleted the Newclergy to a fraction, the Newchurch organization Catholic Answers came up with a solution: replace human presbyters with artificial intelligence.

So mocked was the silly attempt that on April 24, 2024, the AI Presbyter, dubbed "Father Justin," was pulled in humiliation, just two days after "he" was introduced. "Father Justin" was denounced as a "soulless avatar" and a "mockery." Now a silly Newchurch layman will replace the presbyter to answer whatever is supposed to be Newchurch belief, which changes from day to day. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Catholic Answers.]

Traditional Catholics, it is shocking, though certainly not surprising, that one thousand clueless Newchurchers an hour were consulting the fraudulent AI Presbyter, which was handing out disinformation like candy. One particularly amusing answer was that Initiation (formerly Baptism) could be accomplished with Gatorade. One can only guess at how many more invalid Newchurch "initiations" were performed as a result of that one!

May 4, 2024 - St. Monica, Widow
Double Feast

Likely Successor to Francis-Bergoglio Says that Bergoglio's Apostate Programme Will Continue on Full Speed Ahead
Neocons Hopes for Reversing Bergoglio Are in Vain, Says Newvatican's No. 2, Newcardinal Parolin

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Francis-Bergoglio & Pietro Parolin

Newcardinal Pietro Parolin (Right)
Most Likely to Succeed Francis-Bergoglio
As the Next Pretender Newpope
Of the Apostate Newchurch of the New Order
Has Declared that Newchurch Will Not Reverse
Francis-Bergoglio's Apostate Programme
But that It Will Continue on Full Speed Ahead
Under a Parolin Newpapacy

On April 24, 2024, Newvatican's No. 2, Secretary of State Newcardinal Pietro Parolin, who is widely believed to be the likely next Newpope of Newchurch, proclaimed that, far from reversing its course, Francis-Bergoglio's apostate programme will continue on full speed ahead under a Parolin Newpapacy. Thus did the clueless Neocon Newchurchers, who are hoping in vain for a less radical Newpope, see their hopes explicitly dashed to smithereens.

Parolin went on to blaspheme, attributing the apostate programme of Newchurch to be the work of the "[Holy] Spirit," thus attributing the evil of apostasy against the Catholic Faith to the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity and invoking the Biblically "unforgiveable sin," i.e., "he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, nor in the world to come" [Matthew 12:32/DRV].

Parolin openly mouthed the heresies of the Vatican II Anti-council, repeating the half truth, "ecclesia semper reformanda," the Church must always be reformed. That principle most certainly does not apply to doctrine and worship, as the Newchurch leaders do, but to the sinful humans that run the Church (of course, the Newchurch of the New Order is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church). Otherwise, Catholics would all be required to become Lutherans, as the arch-heretic Martin Luther claimed to be "reforming" the Church and concocted the Protestant "Reformation."

In the 1950s Pius XII appointed the Freemason presbyter to "reform" the Sacred Liturgy by various stratagems and began the destruction of traditional Catholic worship that culminated in the blasphemous "New Holy Week" of 1955, in the half New Order "New Latin Mess" of 1962, and in the invalid (fake) "New Mess" of 1969. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by National Catholic Reporter.]

Traditional Catholics, thus has Newcardinal Parolin dashed the hopes of the Neocon Newchurchers, who are now forced to come face to face with the continuance of the apostate Newchurch of the New Order and its pretender Newpopes: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate," Abandon all hope, ye who enter here (Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto 3).


St. Helena and the True Cross

Sancta Helena Constantinopolitana
Verum Crucem Christi Invenit
St. Helena of Constantinople
Finds the True Cross of Christ
Sculpture by Andrea Bolgi, 1635

"Mihi autem absit gloriari, nisi in cruce Domini nostri Iesu Christi."
["But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."]
(Galatians 6:14)

St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, who ended the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire in the year 313, made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to find the actual Cross on which Our Lord was crucified. When she had cleared away the site, she discovered three crosses. Near one lay the title with the inscription recorded by St. John in his Gospel (19:19): "Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum." Thereupon, the empress of the world fell upon her knees to worship, says St. Ambrose, "not the wood, but the King who had hung upon the wood."

May 2, 2024 - St. Athanasius, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor of the Church
Double Feast

Where Are Newchurch Collections Are Really Going?
The Latest Case Is That of a Presbyter Stealing over 40,000 USD to Gamble with Cellphone Video Games

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Candy Crush

Theft from Newchurch Collections
And the Poor Box Is Now So Rampant
That Everyone from the Newchurch "Pope"
On Down Has His Hand in the Till
The Latest Case Involves a Presbyter
Who Stole over 40,000 USD
From the Newparish Collection
To Support His Gambling Habit
With Cellphone Video Games
Like Candy Crush

Newchurch presbyters are, of course, not priests. Newchurch has not ordained priests since 1968 when it adopted an invalid (fake) Protestantized New Ordinal and then started "installing presbyters to preside over the assembly of the people," not "to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead" and to absolve sin. These presbyters have no sacramental power whatsoever: they cannot "do Mess," nor can they administer sacraments. They are no more priests than Lutheran ministers are.

So, what's a presbyter going to do with his time? Outside of rampant paedophilia, many of them have turned to thievery. Week after week presbyters are being convicted of stealing money from the Newchurch collection plate and the poor box. And what do they spend their ill-gotten money on? In the latest case, the presbyter spent over 40,000 USD of Newparish money on 2,200 gambling transactions of video games for himself on his cellphone. Well, he has to have something to do with so many Newchurches closing!

On April 21, 2024, police showed up at St. Thomas More Newparish with an arrest warrant for presbyter Lawrence Kozak on felony theft charges. Police described the Newchurch presbyter's thefts as "an astronomical amount of Apple transactions." Kozak was so brazen that he didn't even try to conceal his theft on the Newparish books, probably realizing that most Newdioceses' audits are a joke. Kozak has admitted to the expenditures. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the National Catholic Register.]

Traditional Catholics, even the Newchurch "pope" Francis-Bergoglio gets away with rampant embezzlement of Newchurch funds from London real estate scams and children's hospitals. Presbyter Kozak was apparently partial to Candy Crush, Pokemon GO, and slot-machine games, so the presbyter is a gambler as well. Isn't it convenient that Newchurch "prelates" can use the Newchurch collection plate and poor box as a slush fund for their gambling!


The May 1 Feast of "St. Joseph the Worker" is NOT traditional. It was concocted by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the head of "liturgy" for the nascent Newchurch of the New Order and placed in the calendar in 1955, in conjunction with Communist May Day. The concocted new feast shockingly displaced on May 1 the traditional Feast of Sts. Philip & James, the Apostles of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and suppressed the traditional Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor and Patron of the Universal Church, which had long been celebrated on the Wednesday after the Second Sunday after Easter.

The new May 1 Feast of St. Joseph the Workman ("Worker" in genderless "modernized" English) was widely reviled in the Church at the time by the highest authorities, and was derisively called the Feast of "Joe the Worker" or the "Pseudo-feast of San Giuseppe Comunista" by the Romans and others, as it fell on Communist May Day. The traditional Sacred Congregation of Rites rejected Bugnini's new feast, and there was open opposition in the Church to it. Opposition to the new feast was so strong that the Sacred Congregation of Rites refused for four years to formulate the Gregorian-chant Mass and Divine Office for the new feast.

Sts. Philip & James

Sanctus Philippus et Sanctus Iacobus
Apostoli et Martyres
St. Philip & St. James
Apostles and Martyrs

"In crastinum voluit exire in Galilaeam
et invenit Philippum.
Et dicit ei Iesus: Sequere me."

["On the following day, (Jesus) would go forth into Galilee:
and he findeth Philip.
And Jesus said to him: Follow me."]
(John 1:43)

From the early Church the Holy Apostles Philip and James the Less (brother of St. Jude Thaddeus) have shared the same feast day, May 1, because the relics of the martyrs were solemnly translated from New Rome, i.e., Constantinople, by Pope Pelagius I to the Church of the Holy Apostles at Rome, where they still rest. St. Philip brought the Catholic Faith to Scythia. St. James the Less was Bishop of Jerusalem and wrote the Epistle in the New Testament. He was martyred by the Jews by being thrown from the pinnacle of the Temple.

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