April 2011

TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network, including the Official Catholic Directory of Traditional Latin Masses
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The TRADITIO Network has now been furnishing information about all facets of traditional Roman Catholicism, answering questions both privately and publicly, for over sixteen years now, longer than any other traditional site on the Internet. When we started, even the Vatican site didn't exist! We wish that we could show you all of the personal letters we have received from troubled souls who have found here clear, traditional, and honest answers to their questions, free of organizational bias. Thousands of these have reverted or converted to the traditional Roman Catholic Faith as a result. Our work has always been done free of charge, but at this time of year, we like to remind you, particularly if you have benefited personally from the TRADITIO Network, to remember to make a donation to TRADITIO as part of your almsgiving at this time of year. You may most easily make a donation to TRADITIO's work by using the convenient Make a Donation box above/below.

April 30, 2011 - Easter Saturday
Semidouble Feast

U.S. Presidential Hopeful Gingrich Explains Why He Converted to the Novus Ordo
But Remains Silent about His Trigamous Marriages of Three Wives

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Newt Gingrich

U.S. Presidential Hopeful Newt Gingrich Worships as a Jew
But Wait! -- Isn't He Supposed to Be a Newchurcher Now?
The Religiously-peripatetic Neocon Takes up Whatever Religion Gets Him Votes
Meanwhile He Has Been the Husband of Three Wives --
To Win the Mormon Vote Perhaps?

U.S. Presidential hopeful and confirmed Neocon Newt Gingrich explained why he flipflopped from Protestantism to the Protestantized New Order sect in an April 26, 2001, interview with Reuters. He failed, however, to discuss his trigamy in marrying three wives. In fact, whenever he has been asked about it, Gingrich throws a fit -- as he did some months ago on C-Span. Remember how, during his time as speaker of the United States House of Representatives, he constantly talked about his beloved Marianne? Now that he has thrown Marianne under the bus, he speaks of his beloved Newchurcher "Callista." Is it possible that Gingrich is really just trying to broaden his appeal as a presidential candidate by Protestant, "Catholic," and even Jew all at the same time?

Gingrich admitted in the interview that it is Wife #3 who snookered him into Newchurch. Callista sang in the choir at the Modernist Basilica of the National Shrine in Washington, D.C., and he liked the music. Note that he didn't join U.S. Supreme Court Justices Anton Scalia and Clarence Thomas or former Presidential Candidate Pat Buchanan at a "Motu" Mess site in D.C., however compromised that is. Gingrich went for pure Modernism at the basilica. In fact, he specifically mentioned in the Reuters interview being impressed with hearing Amazing Grace in a Novus Ordo temple in Beijing. That ditty is purely Protestant without a centilla of Catholicism in it!

Gingrich's marital history is a matter of public record, and it is not tidy. He first married at age 19, to his 26-year-old former high-school geometry teacher, Jackie Batley, and then, so the story goes, presented her with divorce terms after she was wheeled out of cancer surgery. Mrs. Gingrich #2 was dumped after Newt had carried on an extramarital affair with a fetching, blond congressional staffer named Callista Bisek, who went on to become the present Mrs. Gingrich #3. Gingrich's specious "family values" agenda was complicated by the fact that while he was "filibustering" his mistress over the Speaker's desk, he was simultaneously leading the impeachment charge against Bill Clinton, the perjuriously-fellated president of the United States. In the process, the Newchurch of the New Order was exposed as hypocritical in its prattling about the sanctity of marriage.

Good Catholics, Newt Gingrich is typical of those Neocons mouthing "family values" while philandering and bigamizing to beat the devil. Neocon Newchurchers and their allies, the Motarians, are really just Novus Ordo cult members with a veneer of occasional political conservatism. They are spurious -- and not "Catholic" by any stretch of the term!

Even Episcopalians Reject Homosexual Ex-governor Altar Boy as a "Priest"
The Former Newchurcher Defrauded His Wife and Daughter in Sodomy

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Former Newchurch altar boy, ex-New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey, who abruptly resigned in 2004 after declaring himself "a gay American" and admitting an extramarital affair with a male staffer, has had his pursuit of the Episcopalian "priesthood" put on hold indefinitely. Even the Episcopalians don't want him. The decision was announced by the Episcopalian Diocese of Newark, New Jersey, on April 25, 2011,

McGreevey's wife, Dina, publicly denounced McGreevey for defrauding her into a sham "marriage" to advance his political career. Before their civil divorce in 2005, McGreevey was living with a co-sodomite in Plainfield. No wonder that even the heretical Episcopalians don't want the immoral fraudster. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

April 29, 2011 - Easter Friday
Semidouble Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger Will Not Excommunicate an Accomplice in the Abortion of Two Babies
Presbyter Pousa Is Being Excused because He Works for the Poor!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Manuel Pousa

Manuel Pousa Astride His Motorcycle
The Presbyter Who Publicly Admitting Funding Abortions for Two Girls
Is Supposed to Be Excommunicated under Newchurch Law
But Benedict-Ratzinger's Doctrinal Congregation Gave Him a Pass because He Works for the Poor!
Several Similar Cases Indicated that Newpope Now Approves of Abortion in Practice
Although the New "Ratziger" Doctrine Has Not Yet Been Reduced to Writing

Benedict-Ratzinger has decided to let off without any penalty one of his presbyters who admitted publicly to actively financing abortions for two young girls in his care. The decision to let the aborting presbyter go free came directly from Benedict-Ratzinger's own Doctrine of the Faith Congregation in Newrome on April 18, 2011, and was announced through Newarchbishop Lluis Martinez Sistach, of Barcelona, Spain.

According to a Newchurch law in 1995, all who are involved in the crime of abortion, including accomplices without whose cooperation the crime would not have been produced, are supposed to be automatically excommunicated. Pousa publicly admitted to being a knowing accomplice in the abortion, claiming that the girls whose abortions he financed would have killed their unborn babies anyway. A similar argument is made by Planned Parenthood to justify the legalization of abortion worldwide. As everyone now knows, Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch is completely lawless, completely taken over now by criminal clergy, who rarely get even a slap on the wrist from Newpope. Newchurch "law" isn't worth the paper it's printed on; it is published merely to deceive the "useful idiots" for Newchurch, the Neocon Newchurchers and Motarians, into thinking that Benedict-Ratzinger is conservative.

In addition to his cooperation in abortions, Pousa has blessed homosexual unions, publicly advocated the creation of priestesses in the Catholic Church, and rejects clerical celibacy. Newcardinal Sistach says that presbyter Pousa's actively involvement in the murder of the babies is excused because of the work that he does "at the service of the poorest and most marginalized of the society." Pousa will continue to lead a Barcelona-area Newparish. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by LSN.]

Good Catholics, here we have further evidence that Benedict-Ratzinger is changing the Newchurch position against abortion. As yet, it has not been written down, but Newpope's judicial bodies have gotten the word about the new doctrine, as this is not the first time abortionist presbyters have been let off scot free.

April 28, 2011 - Easter Thursday
Semidouble Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger's Newvatican Fools Neo-con Newchurchers by Covertly Supporting Abortion
A New Report Reveals the Connection between Newchurch Colleges and Pro-abortion Planned Parenthood

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Planned Parenthood

Oh Yes You Can! -- In the Newchurch of the New Order, That Is
A New Reports Revealed that 150 Newchurch Colleges and Universities in the U.S.
Have Provided Support for Planned Parenthood, the Well-known Purveyor of Abortions
The U.S. Congress Recently Voted Against It, but Benedict-Ratzinger Didn't!

At a time when a strong conservative movement in the U.S. Congress is trying to block funding of the Planned Parenthood organization, it turns out that Newchurch supports the organization, known for its abortion mills. The Cardinal Newman Society has revealed that at least 150 Newchurch colleges and universities in the United States have provided support for Planned Parenthood. In comparison, 101 Newchurch colleges have pro-homosexual clubs.

In a detailed new report, the Society shows how Newchurch schools have given Planned Parenthood opportunities to provide counseling and referrals for abortions, to recruit interns and fellows from Newchurcher collegians, to propagandize at Newchurch campus events, and to make pro-abortion presentations to student audiences. Among the well-known Newchurch institutions affiliated with the abortive Planned Parenthood organization are Notre Dame, Georgetown, Boston College, Marquette.

Newchurch United States Senators are no more "Catholic" than their colleges and universities. In an April 20, 2011, vote to defund Planned Parenthood, 17 (70 per cent) Newchurch senators voted nay, whereas only 7 (30 percent) voted aye. Any notion that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order is Catholic is just plan false on the record. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed to the National Catholic Register.]

A Reader Writes: "We SSPXers Should Start a Grassroots Campaign to Support Bishop Williamson"

From: Johann

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

A teacher in an SSPX school here recently told me:

I feel awfully alone in the battle -- not the battle with external enemies in the world, but the battle inside the Society of St. Pius X, which is being waged with such subtlety that nobody seems aware of it. It is the same as it was in the mainstream Church in the 1960s, the same slow gradual shift.

It seems that the SSPX's senior bishop Richard Williamson is the only one in Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX who sees the truth. Perhaps instead of Fellay's Rosary Crusade for the Novus Ordo, we SSPXers should start a grassroots campaign to support Bishop Williamson, in the hope that he will somehow oust the traitor Fellay!

April 27, 2011 - Easter Wednesday
Semidouble Feast

Benedict-Ratzinger Says that Christian Heartlands Are Rejecting Christianity
What He Won't Admit Is the Reality that They Are Really Rejecting His New Order

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Benedict-Ratzinger's Papacy Is Going up in a Cloud of Smoke
Even He Now Admits that Newchurchers Are "Bored" of the New Order
He Held up John Paul-Wojtyla as a Man of "Great Faith"
At the Same Time that Even Newchurchers Are Criticizing the Beatification
Of the Pope Who Participated in Rites with Pagans and Called Two Sycretistic Conferences

In his Maundy Thursday "homily" at St. John Lateran, Benedict-Ratzinger lamented the widespread abandonment of faith in the West. He said that it sometimes seemed as if people in Western countries had grown bored of their own history and culture and that the heartlands of Christianity were rejecting religion. But he hailed alleged examples "great faith," such as his predecessor John Paul-Woytyla, whom he proposes to Novus Ordo "beatify" on May 1, 2011. Yet JPII is coming under increasing criticism, even from Newchurchers, as having abandoned the Christian Faith by his participation in rites with pagans and his syncretistic Assisi Conferences, in which a Buddha has placed upon the tabernacle.

"Have not we -- the people of God -- become to a large extent a people of unbelief and distance from God?" Benedict-Ratzinger said. "Is it perhaps the case that the West, the heartlands of Christianity, are tired of their faith?" Rather, it is that true Catholics are more and more tired of the Modernist, unCatholic New Order Faith which Newchurch has falsely been trying to pander for the last forty years as "Catholic"?

Celebrating the sixth Easter season of his pontificate, Benedict-Ratzinger said that the "beatification" of his predecessor, JPII, would be a chance to remember a man of "great faith." But faith in what? Faith in condemned syncretism ("all religions are equal"), a grave sin against the First Commandment of God? Faith in Buddha? Faith in the ability of Newchurch to intimidate child victims into silence, as JPII washed his hands like Pontius Pilate while his Novus Ordo clergy raped and sodomized children with impunity? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

April 26, 2011 - Easter Tuesday
Double Feast of the First Class

A Reader Asks: "What Are Traditional Catholics to Make of Converts
From Protestant Anglicanism to the New Order?"

From: Michael
Anglican Clergy

The Next Batch of Protestant Anglican Clergy to Join the Novus Ordo Sect?
There Is Little Difference between Protestant Anglican Clergy and Novus Ordo Clergy
Newchurch's Invalid New Ordinal of 1968
Was Cribbed Substantially from the Invalid Anglican Ordinal
So Anglican Ministers "Converting" to Newchurch Are Just as Invalid as Novus Ordo Presbyters

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I've been hearing recently a lot about Anglicanorum coetibus of November 4, 2009, put out by Benedict-Ratzinger, and about the Protestant Anglican clergy and laity being received into the Newchurch of the New Order. It seems that these Anglican converts to the Novus Ordo will have their own services, which will be based on the heretical Book of Common Prayer, but "revised" to be acceptable to the Newchurch of the New Order, the revisions, from what I understand, being minuscule.

I am a convert from Anglicanism to the traditional Catholic Church through a traditional independent chapel and am quite confused about all of this. When I converted to the Catholic Faith, I accepted the Traditional Catholic Latin Mass. What are traditional Catholics to make of all this, especially traditional Catholics who are converts from Protestant Anglicanism to the New Order?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

First of all, you are exactly where you should be: in a traditional Catholic chapel in traditional Catholicism. These latter-day Protestant Anglicans have simply been duped from one Protestant sect, the Anglicans, into another, the Novus Ordo. For all their trouble, they have gained nothing but leaping out of the frying pan into the fire. The reason that so few changes had to be made to the Anglican services to "Novus Ordoize" them is that the heretical and invalid Novus Ordo rites were specifically based in large part upon the heretical and invalid Anglican rites to begin with!

For further information, click on Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae [On the Nullity of Anglican Orders], Given by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).

April 25, 2011 - Easter Monday
Double Feast of the First Class

A Reader Asks: "What Are We to Make of the Current State of the Church?"

From: Nichole
Pope Clement IV

Pope Clement IV (1265-1268)
After the Death of Pope Clement, the Church Was Without a Pope for Almost Three Years
Yet in This Period 21 Bishops Were Consecrated without a Papal Mandate
When the Successor Pope Gregory X Was Finally Elected
He Affirmed the Lawfulness of Such Consecrations

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

My husband and I believe that the Novus Ordo is a new religion and is not Catholic. We are unsure that the post Vatican II popes are legitimate because of their unCatholic public actions. My husband is struggling, saying that since this has been going on for 40+ years, the Church has failed, but that is untrue because the true Church can never fail. What are we to make of the current state of the Church?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Regardless what one's assessment is of the post Vatican II popes, it is an undeniable fact that there have been over 250 periods of no pope in the history of the Church, one lasting over three years. Why couldn't that be forty years, or even one hundred? Christ never promised that there would be a pope for every day in the calendar, but He did promise that His Church would persist to the end of time. And it is, now through many faithful traditional Catholic laity and clergy.

People have recently put far too much emphasis on the person of the pope. Since Pius XII popes have been regarded as "personalities," much like rock stars or sports figures. (Have you seen the latest papal coffee mugs?) This is not the Catholic teaching. Up until the 1950s many Catholics didn't even know the name of the pope. It really didn't matter, since all of them were bound under oath to follow Tradition. This was the period in which the answer to the question, "Is the pope Catholic?" was a no-brainer. Now it isn't.

The dogma of Vatican I clearly teaches that the pope has no authority to change Tradition. That being the case, we have all the essentials that we need to maintain the true Faith, even if we have to go through a long "winter." There is nothing new about this. The Church has had many long winters in its past. As St. Paul told us, our job as Catholics is simple: to stand fast by our Traditions (2 Thessalonians 2:14/DRV). We have the traditional Catholic Sacraments, doctrine, and moral teachings. With that, we are prepared to pass through as long a winter as God may allow to test our faith and commitment to Him.

In this period many will be found pusillanimous, impatient, and cowardly. In this period, many will fail Christ's test and fall by the wayside as Novus Ordinarians, Neocon Newchurchers, and Motarians. Many will sell out to the New Order sect to one degree or another, for far less than the thirty pieces of silver that Judas demanded. The Scriptures make it clear that such periodic tests are part of God's plan. This message is found, for example, quite clearly in the Parable of the Cockle. Reread it and meditate upon its significance. It is found in St. Matthew's Gospel, Chapter 13, Verses 24-43.

April 24, 2011 - Easter Sunday
Double Feast of the First Class

The days of violet are gone. The voices of the Old Testament prophets Isaias and Jeremias are stilled. The Alleluias and Glorias that have been missing since Septuagesima return once more, in profusion. "Hence it is that at the Gloria today the bells are rung, the organ peals forth, the statues and pictures are uncovered, and a few moments afterward the glad Alleluias, silenced for nine weeks past, are heard again in jubilant tones, soaring in their triple repetition higher and higher until they seem to mingle with the songs of the angels in heaven." As the great drama of our redemption draws to an end, let us join in the joy of Holy Mother Church today as she specially sets before us after Communion the great psalm of praise to our risen Lord: "Praise the Lord, all ye nations; praise him, all ye people. For his mercy is confirmed upon us; and the truth of the Lord remaineth forever" (Psalms 116:1-2/DRV). Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Gregorian Chant of Easter Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Easter Oratorio [BWV 249]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Omnibus circa Mundum in Hoc Festo Paschae MMXI

Ex: Reverendis Patribus TRADITIONIS
Resurrexi Chant

Introitus Cantandus Dominica Resurrectionis

"Resurrexi, et adhuc tecum sum, alleluia"

Omnibus Lectoribus Internexus TRADITIONIS
Beatam Pascham!

April 23, 2011 - Holy Saturday
Semidouble Feast

Through these rites of Holy Saturday, historically and devotionally so gripping, from ancient ages the most solemn of all Vigils of the year, we see Our Lord revealed to us in specific ways, and we in turn are called upon to reflect Him in those ways in our own lives. Together, on this, the "Mother of All Holy Vigils," as St. Augustine calls it, we hear the Lessons that teach us the history of our Faith, the Old Law before the fulfillment of our redemption under the New. We come through the darkness of Our Lord's Passion and Death into the light, as together we now celebrate His glorious Resurrection.
Gregorian Chant of Holy Saturday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Holy Saturday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Holy Saturday Tenebrae
William Byrd: Music for Holy Saturday
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Holy Saturday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) eliminating two of the three ancient prayers blessing the new fire; (2) replacing the traditional ceremony for inscribing and blessing the Paschal candle with a new one, completely fabricated by the Modernists; (3) eliminating the ancient procession of the triple candle into the church while Lumen Christi was thrice invoked; (4) eliminating eight of the twelve Old Testament prophecies foretelling the coming of Christ; (5) directing that the Collects be chanted at the sedilia rather than the altar, in the manner of the Novus Ordo "presider"; (6) dividing and partially eliminating the traditional Litany of the Saints; (7) introducing a spurious "Renewal of Baptismal Vows" in the vernacular, the first time that the vernacular is explicitly permitted as an integral part of a liturgical rite; (8) eliminating in their entirety from the Mass the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar and the Last Gospel, as does the Novus Ordo service; (9) moving the entire service to nighttime instead of before noon with the First Mass of Easter at noon, in contravention of the traditional principle that during Lent, in both Western and Eastern rites, there is a symbolic inversion of time as a consequence of the Fall, with the restoration of normality coming only with the victory of the Lord on Easter morning.

Nadal's Christus Descendens ad Inferos

What Transpired when Christ Descended into Limbo
On Holy Saturday

April 22, 2011 - Good Friday
Double Feast of the First Class

There are few scenes liturgically more impressive than the appearance of the church at the beginning of the rites of Good Friday. The bare floor, the dismantled altar, the veiled crucifix, the unlighted candles. Then, when the procession of the celebrant in black vestments with servers has silently made its way to the sanctuary, the sudden prostration before the altar, where the celebrant annihilates himself in abject penitence -- all these are things that can hardly fail to produce an effect upon each one of us. Then follow the sorrowful lessons and tracts and the reading of the Passion of Our Lord, producing a sense of desolation that no other service in the liturgical year approaches. On this day the Church gives her churches an appearance of desolation and clothes her clergy in mourning. Today the Church, and we who enter the church, are in mourning because Our Lord has died to redeem us.
Gregorian Chant of Good Friday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Good Friday Tenebrae
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Good Friday
Tommaso Luigi da Vittoria's Popule Meus
William Byrd: Music for Good Friday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Johannes Passion [BWV 245]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Good Friday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) changing the one aliturgical day, on which no Mass was celebrated because "the Apostles hid themselves for fear of the Jews," into a full-scale communion service; (2) directing that the "presider" conduct the first part of the service from the sedilia rather than from the altar in Novus Ordo style; (3) directing that the Litanical Prayers be chanted from a book at the center of the altar in contravention of the Roman rite; (4) changing the litanical Prayer for Heretics and Schismatics into a "Prayer for the Unity of Christians"; (5) commanding that a genuflection be made in the litanical Prayer for the Jews, which was anciently omitted because the Jews genuflected to mock Christ during His Agony; (6) allowing the crucifix to be held up for a brief adoration, as in the Novus Ordo, rather than having the people approach the Communion rail to kiss it; (7) suppressing the Solemn Procession from the Repository with the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the ancient hymn Vexilla Regis; (8) eliminating the offertory, incensation, and elevation of the Blessed Sacrament; (9) directing that the congregation recite the Pater Noster with the priest in Novus Ordo style; (10) allowing Communion to be received this day, which was anciently prohibited on Good Friday; (11) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion.

Nadal's Post Erectam Crucem

What Transpired after the Erection of the Cross
Before Christ Gave up His Spirit
On Good Friday

April 21, 2011 - Maundy Thursday
Double Feast of the First Class

We have today to consider a great and awful mystery of betrayal. This betrayal is commemorated in the special Canon used only at this Mass of Maundy Thursday. Judas, one of the twelve chosen disciples of Our Lord, taught by Him for three years, confirmed in the faith by so many miracles, loaded with graces, becomes the tool of those who plot the death of Our Lord. He traitorously sells His Lord to the high priest for the ancient price of a slave, thirty Roman denarii. But Judas here is not only an historical figure of some 2000 years ago. He is spiritually each one of us, sinners, for whom Christ so grievously began His suffering and death this night. Let us consider the betrayal of Judas and what it forces us to confront in our own spiritual lives.
Gregorian Chant of Maundy Thursday
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina's Music for Maundy Thursday
Carlo Gesualdo's Responsoria for Maundy Thursday Tenebrae
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the chief architect of the invalid Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Maundy Thursday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) cutting out the Credo and the Last Gospel; (2) adding a responsorial psalm to the communion service in Novus Ordo fashion; (3) importing the Maundy (washing of feet) into the Mass, as in the Novus Ordo; (4) directing that the Collect following the Maundy be chanted "facing the people," as in the Novus Ordo; (5) eliminating the adornment and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Repository; (6) the fabrication of a new "Chrism Mass," which separates the function of the blessing and consecration of the Sacred Oils for the Sacraments from the one Mass of Maundy Thursday.

Nadal's Sacratissimi Sacramenti

The Institution of the Blessed Sacrament
And of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
On Maundy Thursday

April 20, 2011 - Wednesday in Holy Week - "Spy Wednesday"

Today is known as "Spy Wednesday," in remembrance of the traitorous deed of Judas Iscariot. The Introit gives us a foretaste of what is to come after the passion and death of our Lord: "That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth" (Philippians 2:10/DRV). But immediately juxtaposed to this acknowledgment of divine glory is the other side of the equation. This is the refrain that will be repeated at every Hour of the Divine Office beginning tomorrow: "He humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even to the death of the cross" (Philippians 2:8/DRV).
Gregorian Chant of Wednesday of Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Lukas Passion [BWV 246]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Is the Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay Suffering from an Early Senility?
Has He Forgotten Archbishop Lefebvre's Warning and Ratzinger's Life as a Modernist?

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay

The Neo-SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, All Wrapped up in Hypocrisy
Fellay Has Forgotten What His Consecrator, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
Told Him about the Newchurch of the New Order:
"The See of Peter and Posts of Authority in Rome [Are] Being Occupied by Anti-Christs"
Fellay Protests the Novus Ordo "Beatification" of JPII-Wojtyla and Assisi III
But Has Amnesia about the Man behind Both: His Mentor, Benedict-Ratzinger

It seems these days that the Neo-SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay has been falling into an early senility. Even though he was born in the same year that John XXIII took over the papacy (thus Fellay never experienced even the papacy of Pius XII), Fellay has forgotten what his consecrator, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the Society of St. Pius X, told him about the Newchurch of the New Order. In a letter of August 26, 1987, personally addressed to Fellay and to the other three who were to be consecrated as bishops for the SSPX (Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais, and Galarreta), the Archbishop specifically warned Fellay:

The See of Peter and posts of authority in Rome being occupied by anti-Christs, the destruction of the Kingdom of Our Lord is being rapidly carried out even within His Mystical Body here below, especially through the corruption of the Holy Mass.

Not only has Fellay forgotten the charge given him by his consecrating bishop to oppose the Newchurch of the New Order and its unCatholic leaders, now Fellay seems to have a kind of amnesia about who Josef Ratzinger was and is. On April 15, 2011, Fellay has issued a letter in which he chastises John Paul II-Wojtyla for fifteen sins against religion. He concludes by saying:

As for the beatification of John Paul II, its immediate effect will be to consecrate his pontificate as a whole, all his undertakings, even the most scandalous, the ones described above and others, like kissing the Koran and the repeated ceremonies of repentance that make people think that the Church is responsible for the schisms that have caused countless Christian souls to be lost through separation from our Holy Mother the Church, and through adherence to error and heresy.

So far, so good. But JPII is dead. Who is the person that is forwarding the Modernist agenda now? Who is behind that Novus-Ordo "beatification" of JPII? It is Fellay's bosom buddy, Josef Ratzinger, now sitting as Benedict. This is the same "Fr." Ratzinger who was one of the leaders at Vatican II, and personally introduced as a peritus, through his bishop, the heretical phraseology that the Catholic Church is not the one true Church of Christ, but that Christ merely "subsisted" in it, as it did in the heretical Protestant sects and even, in an extended sense, in the infidel Mohammedans, the pagan Hindus, the atheist Buddhists, and all the rest!

So now Fellay is announcing yet another one of his propagandistic so-called Rosary Campaigns, with the end "that the Modernist cape muffling the Church, at least since Vatican II, may be torn in two." But he does not name the leader of the Modernists, Benedict-Ratzinger. He does not call upon Our Jesus Christ and his Blessed Mother to depose that immoral Fox from his throne. That's what Archbishop Lefebvre did. Bernie, however, lacks the moral virtue of fortitude or, for those of you who prefer the vernacular: Bernie has no guts!

Good Catholics, Bernie Fellay is a traitor to his consecrating Archbishop and to traditional Catholicism, just as he is a hypocrite in refusing to condemn, personally and by name. the corrupt Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger. Perhaps Bernie still has ambitions for Newchurch scarlet. Perhaps he doesn't want to denounce his new bosom buddy Josef. Remember: Fellay has said not one word against Benedict-Ratzinger's proven personal complicity in the rape of tens of thousands of innocent children. That alone tells you all you need to know about Fellay's own moral hypocrisy.

April 19, 2011 - Tuesday in Holy Week

Today we turn our sights to the Cross. The Introit consists not of the usual psalm, but with the words of St. Paul, putting the meaning of the Cross into perspective for us: "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Galatians 6:14/DRV). Holy Mother Church then adds: "In Whom is our salvation, life, and resurrection: through Whom we have been saved and set free."
Gregorian Chant of Tuesday in Holy Week
Johann Sebastian Bach's Markus Passion [BWV 247]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Belgian Prime Minister Demands that Benedict-Ratzinger Shut Down His Incestuous Sodomite
As Newbishop Vangheluwe Defends on TV His 13-year Rapes of Not One, but Two Nephews

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Roger Vangheluwe

Benedict-Ratzinger's Incestuous Sodomite, Newbishop Roger Vangheluwe
Belgians Watched Their Televisions Agape as the Unrepentant Vangheluwe
Laughed and Boasted that He Had Sodomized His Two Five-year-old Nephews for 13 Years
Belgian Officials from the Prime Minister on Down Denounced Benedict-Ratzinger's Inaction
Against His Incestuous Sodomite as "Sickening and Disgusting"

The Belgian nation is in a state of shock and disgust against Benedict-Ratzinger. On April 15, 2011, his incestuous sodomite Newbishop of Bruges, Roger Vangheluwe, gave an interview in France for Belgian Television, laughing to the cameras and boasting that he had raped not just the one nephew whom he had admitted raping before, but a second nephew as well. Belgians watched their televisions agape as the unrepentant Vangheluwe, who insisted that the interview be carried live and unedited to the Belgian nation, boasted that he stripped his five-year-old nephews naked, sodomized them, and forced them to sodomize him. He looked into the camera and laughed as he claimed that there was nothing morally wrong in this, that it was like "a game" for the children. Vangheluwe continued to sodomize one nephew continuously from the age of five until the age of eighteen.

While Benedict-Ratzinger tried to secrete Vangheluwe out of sight, without degrading him from the office of bishop, the Belgian Prime Minister publicly denounced Vangheluwe's crimes and Benedict-Ratzinger's permissive attitude towards them as "terrible." Belgian's Justice Minister called upon Benedict-Ratzinger to get off his derriere: "We expect the Church to punish him. They told him to leave the country -- that was also to shut him up." He denounced Benedict-Ratzinger as a do-nothing pope while children were being raped by his clergy.

In the television interview Vangheluwe himself claimed: "I don't have the impression at all that I am a paedophile. It was really just a small relationship. I did not have the feeling that my nephew was against it, quite the contrary." The nephew whom he claimed have given his consent was just five years old!

Good Catholics, Vangheluwe is obviously an unrepentant pervert. God help us, there are such despicable people in this world. But Benedict-Ratzinger's role is even more morally disgusting that his Newbishop's. With cold-hearted malice aforethought, he sits on his throne knowing that Vangheluwe and hundreds of other Newbishops are out there today (as recent docuemented reports have proven) continuing to sodomize innocent children, some even babies not having reached their first year of age! Yet Benedict-Ratzinger does not care. He's too busy planning another damnable Assisi Sycretistic Conference and beatifying the unCatholic JPII. At this rate, Benedict-Ratzinger's may well turn out to be one of the papal skulls that, in the words of the Great Doctor of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, will shortly pave the floor of Hell.

April 18, 2011 - Monday in Holy Week

Today we begin by placing our trust firmly in God. In the Introit psalm (Iudica, Domine, nocentes me, expugna impugnantes me), we call upon the Lord to battle against those who are impugning us. We call upon the Lord to take up arms and shield, and we call upon Him as the strength of our salvation. The Collect acknowledges how many adversities we face and how we fail from human infirmity. It is only through the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ that we are given life again (respiremus).
Gregorian Chant of Monday in Holy Week
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

Neocon Anglican Presbyters Are Being Brainwashed into the New Order
Training In Pre-Vatican II Theology Is Almost Entirely Absent

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Anglican Presbyters

Useful Idiots for Newchurch: Anglican/Novus Ordo Presbyters in Class
Benedict-Ratzinger's Admission of Neocon Anglicans into His Newchurch
Shows His Desperation to Get Any Warm Bodies
To Replace His Dwindling Novus Ordo Presbyters
And To Jump Start a Modernist Married Clergy without Even a Vatican III!

Now that Protestant Neocon Anglicans are being welcomed by Benedict-Ratzinger into his Newchurch of the New Order, per his Anglicanorum coetibus of November 4, 2009, we are finding out how they are being brainwished in the minimal study of "Catholicism" that they are supposed to do. A firsthand report of April 14, 2011, from one of these new presbyters reveals just how brainwashed into the New Order the first sixty Anglican/Novus Ordo presbyters are becoming.

The one -- count it -- one hour of "Catholic [Sic] Ecclesiology" has primarily the end of proving that papal infallibility is "less important than papal primacy." Anglicans don't like papal infallibility, so the doctrine is being watered down to teaching them that the papal office is little more than that of a chief executive officer. After one -- count it -- one hour of late 19th-century "Catholic [Sic] Ecclesiology," off they run to Vatican II, being shown purportedly that it "came very naturally from the conclusions of Vatican I." The dogmatic Council of Trent is not mentioned.

The new Anglican/Novus Ordo presbyters are educated that in the fact that the Catholic Church is not the only true Church of Christ, but merely "subsists in" the Catholic Church. This Novus Ordo doctrinal change was introduced through "Fr." Ratzinger himself at Vatican II. The next session will treat Vatican II and its invalid Novus Ordo service, which is based substantially on the Protestant Anglican service. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Anglo-Catholic.]

So, good Catholics, it turns out that Benedict-Ratzinger has made these Anglican/Novus Ordo presbyters into "useful idiots" to forward his plan to replace the Catholic Church with the Newchurch of the New Order, complete with a married clergy contrary to Apostolic Tradition. And That Fox won't even need a Vatican III to do it! For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Clerical Celibacy."

A Reader Asks: "What Is the Appropriate Time to Celebrate
The Rites of the Sacred Triduum of Holy Week?"

From: Robert

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

We attend a traditional Catholic church that celebrates Mass on Holy Thursday at 6:10 a.m. That Mass is awesome and beautiful. My question is this: Is evening the most appropriate time of day to celebrate the Maundy Thursday Mass? Is the Last Supper associated with an evening hour? What is the appropriate time to celebrate the rites of the Sacred Triduum of Holy Week?

In addition, while we are on the topic of Holy Week, why does the Mass of the Pre-sanctified on Good Friday not include Holy Communion for the congregation and why are Confessions not heard on Good Friday?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Traditionally, the rites of Maundy Thursday begin after the Hour of None, the ninth of the twelve hours of the daytime. In Lent, the hours are advanced so that None would be a morning hour. Given certain dispensations in the 1940s, evening Masses (of the day, not the Novus Ordo "anticipated" or "vigil" Masses the evening before) have been permitted. Because it is increasingly difficult for working people to attend morning Masses on weekdays, many traditional sites use these dispensations to accommodate their congregations by celebrating the rites in the evening of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (not, of course, on Holy Saturday, whose rites are always in the morning).

Good Friday is the only aliturgical day in the traditonal Roman rite; that is, Mass is not celebrated on this day. The extra Host that was consecrated in advance ("Pre-sanctified") on Maundy Thursday and reserved with great solemnity in the Sepulchre of the Altar of Repose is consumed during the last part of the Good Friday rites by the priest only. No one else receives Communion on Good Friday.

A sense of respect for the sublime mystery enacted on Mount Calvary has always prevented the Church from permitting Mass to be offered on this one day in the year, and on this one day alone. It is according to an ancient tradition of the Church that only the celebrant receives the extra Host consecrated on Maundy Thursday. After the celebrant receives this one remaining Host, Christ's sacramental presence is gone.

By this powerful liturgical symbol, the Church reminds us that on this day we are truly without Christ. On this day we cannot receive His Precious Body and Blood. On this day we cannot receive any of the Sacraments. The Holy Water in the fonts is dry. The liturgy of the Church makes it starkly clear to us that during this time commemorating the Passion and Death of our Lord we are, in a sacramental sense, stripped of Christ, and we are forced to think of what a desolation our lives would be, stripped of Christ and His true Church.

After the Maundy Thursday Mass until the First Mass of Easter at noon on Holy Saturday, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will not again be celebrated. No Sacraments of the Church -- no baptisms, no confessions, no marriages, no funerals, no blessings -- are permitted during this period.

March 28, 2010 - Palm Sunday
Semidouble Sunday of the First Class

Palm Sunday

The Fully-Traditional (Pre-1955) Palm Sunday Rites
As Celebrated at Westminster Cathedral, London, 1919
The Traditional Holy Week Rites Were Gutted in 1956
By the Freemason Presbyter Hannibal Bugnini
It Is These Half Novus Ordo Rites that Are Used in the "1962 Liturgy"

CONCILIARIST-BUGNINI "LITURGICAL BOOKS OF 1962" WARNING. The "Motu" services of Holy Week have gutted the Traditional Latin Rites of this most holy week of the entire year. The Modernist changes of 1956-1962 were engineered by the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini, the Chief Architect of the Novus Ordo of 1969, and were never approved by Pope Pius XII in forma specifica. They were introduced by Bugnini as the opening salvo toward the completely-fabricated Novus Ordo of 1969.

Among the Modernisms introduced for Palm Sunday, making the "Motu" rite like the invalid Novus Ordo service, are: (1) directing that red vestments be used, as in the Novus Ordo service, instead of the traditional violet vestments; (2) eliminating the Introit, Collect, Epistle, Responsory, Gospel, Preface, and Sanctus of the First Mass, after which the palms are blessed; (3) directing the priest to leave the altar and face the congregation Novus-Ordo style while blessing the palms; (4) eliminating four of the five ancient prayers of blessing; (5) eliminating the prayers and ceremonial of re-entering the church after the procession of the palms; (6) directing that the priest chant the final Collect facing the congregation Novus-Ordo style with his back to the Holy Tabernacle; (7) eliminating entirely the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar; (8) eliminating the beginning and end of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew; (9) eliminating the Last Gospel, as in the Novus Ordo service.
All the ceremonies of Palm Sunday -- the blessing of the palms, the procession, the chanted Hosannas -- are instituted by Holy Mother Church to recall the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem on this day. What a contrast, at only six days' interval, between the honors rendered to Our Lord today and the affronts and blasphemies that will greet Him five days hence on Good Friday! Let us learn these three things from the great lesson taught us by Our Lord on Palm Sunday. First, to be content to rely not upon man, but upon God alone for consolation and the witness of our sorrows and sufferings. Second, to detach ourselves from earthly possessions, which often come at our soul's cost. Third, to set no store by earthly greatness, notice, fame, or applause. "For after all these things do the heathens seek" (Matthew 6:32/DRV).
Gregorian Chant of Palm Sunday
Johann Sebastian Bach's Mattaeus Passion [BWV 244]
For further information, see FAQ07: What Sacred Music Recordings Do You Recommend? in the TRADITIO Library of Files (FAQs and Catholic Apologetics).

A Reader Asks: "Why Can't Vatican II Be Declared Null because of Heresy?"

From: Robert

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Wasn't the Council of Pistoia declared null because of heresy? If so, why can't Vatican II be declared null because of heresy?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

There is no reason at all that Vatican II cannot be declared null and void. Actually, there have been several councils declared null and void, even ones considered "oecumenical" by virtue of their having attendance from sees around the world:

It is interesting that the nullified Council of Pistoia proposed many of the same unCatholic notions that the Vatican II Council (1962-1965) did, notions that had already been condemned by the dogmatic Council of Trent (1545-1563):

Thus, there is ample precedent for a future pope to annul the action of even an oecumenical council, and a fortiori a merely pastoral one, for cause, such as schism and heresy, or even because it is "rash, offensive to pious ears, insulting to the Church.

April 16, 2011 - Ferial Day

Benedict-Ratzinger Charged Personally in the Case of 200 Raped Deaf Children
As the Noose Gets Tighter around the Leader of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocaust

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Benedict-Ratzinger Just Can't Seem to Fly away from Culpability
The U.S. State Department Has Now Officially Served Him with Federal Court Changes
For His Complicity in the Rape of 200 Deaf Children
The Case charges that He and Two Newcardinals "Were Provided Detailed Proof
And Direct Admission of Criminal Acts"

The U.S. State Department has served Benedict-Ratzinger with official court papers, charging him personally for his complicity in the rape of some 200 deaf children. On April 12, 2011, the State Department confirmed that Newvatican had received the legal papers the preceding week.

The federal lawsuit had been filed in U.S. Federal Court in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on April 22, 2010, charging that Benedict-Ratzinger and two other top Newvatican officials knew about the sex crimes against the children at the Newchurch-run school and called off internal punishment of the presbyter involved, Lawrence Murphy, who had raped some 200 deaf children over a period of decades.

The federal lawsuit names Benedict-Ratzinger as defendant, along with his No. 2 man, Newvatican Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, and former Secretary of State Angelo Sodano, who is currently Dean of the College of Newcardinals. The lawsuit charges that the defendants "were provided detailed proof and direct admission by Murphy of criminal acts," but failed to alert federal authorities, place Murphy into sex-offender treatment, remove him from the presbyterate, alert Newparishes where he was working to the risk, or inform members of the deaf community of Murphy's criminal history. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

Don't You Believe Those Newvatican "Translations"!
Benedict-Ratzinger's New Catechism Is Denounced as "Filled with Errors"

The TRADITIO Fathers

As we TRADITIO Fathers have consistently maintained, no "translation" is trustworthy. The very notion of "translation" is flawed because the thought of one language can never be accurately rendered into another language; languages are inherently different.

After Benedict-Ratzinger's ballyhooing his new YouCat: A Youth Catechism for the Catholic Church, officially issued April 12, 2011, the book has been denounced as filled with errors in botched "translations." The Italian version was immediately recalled by the Novus Ordo Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith when the catechism was criticized at its "launch" as approving of euthanasia and contraception.

Even before the launch, the publisher of the Italian "translation" of Benedict-Ratzinger's new catechism had withdrawn its copies because of doctrinal errors. The French edition was not released because of errors in its "translation" of passages on "oecumenism." Benedict-Ratzinger didn't even have his new catechism issued in the Church's official Latin language, but in German! It was this non-Romance language that the Italian, French, and English editions were supposed to "translate." Newvatican intends to release "translations" in a cacophony of thirty languages!

Newvatican was so befuddled over the errors and botched "translations," that it issued copies with false passages crossed out with a magic marker. Newvatican admitted that each language's "translation" was supervised by a Newcardinal designated to vouch for the accuracy of the contents. Apparently, the Newcardinals' supervision of the "translations" were as abysmal as their supervision of their Newbishops and presbyters who perpetrated sex crimes against children under their very noses with impunity.

Good Catholics, the Cathechismus ad Parochos issued after the Council of Trent had no "translation" problems. It was issued only in the Roman Catholic Church's official language, Latin. It was directed to parish priests, who were supposed to use its contents in sermons crafted to be understood by the laity. Many in Newvatican leaders must now be wanting to give up this vernacular nonsense of Vatican II and go back to one language for all Church publications: Latin!

April 15, 2011 - Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Double Major Feast

Do Newpopes Still Believe in the Sacred?
The Papal Ring and Pectoral Cross Were Owned by the United Nations, a Female Performer, and Evel Knievel

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Papal Cross

The Pectoral Cross that Paul VI-Montini Gave to the United Nations
This Sacred Item and an Episcopal Ring
Have Passed Down to a Female Performer, Stuntman Evel Knievel
And Are Now Being Auctioned off on eBay
As Newpopes Cheapen Everything Papal

During a visit to the United Nations in October 1965, Pope Paul VI had given Secretary General U Thant, a Buddhist, a pectoral cross of diamonds and emeralds and an episcopal ring of diamonds and rubies, valued then at about 150,000 U.S. dollars, and asked that the proceeds be used to start a United Nations Freedom from Hunger Campaign. These sacred items were purchased in 1967 by Chicago jeweler Harry Levinson at auction for 64,000 dollars. The sacred items were next seen decking the person of a female performer who appeared on "Late Night with Johnny Carson" and were then possessed by stuntman Evel Knievel.

Now a North Carolina widow has got possession of the sacred items and hired Perry's Emporium to sell the items. On April 12, 2011, Perry announced that he would auction the sacred items on eBay for between 800,000 and 900,000 dollars. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

For further information, click on FAQ10: How Do You Explain These Traditional Catholic Beliefs? in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics), in the section, "Papal Tiara."

Good Catholics, we have to wonder whether these Newpopes have any sense of the sacred remaining. After pushing the pagan, not to say invalid, Novus Ordo for forty years, they have become so paganized themselves that they cannot recognize the difference between a silk purse and a sow's ear!

Benedict-Ratzinger Has Hidden Away His Incestuous Sodomite Bishop
Vangheluwe Is to "Seek Treatment" in Secret in Yet Another Newchurch Cover-up

The Newchurch bishop of Bruges, Belgium, Roger Vangheluwe, has been ordered by Newvatican on April 9, 2011, to "seek treatment" for his incestuous sodomy of his nephew. Meanwhile, Vangheluwe is not supposed to perform Novus Ordo services in public. So, in accordance with continuing Newchurch cover-ups, the embarrassing Vangheluwe is himself being "covered up" -- taken out of the public eye. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

What Benedict-Ratzinger didn't do was to "degrade" Vangheluwe in the formal, public rite that wold essentially remove his episcopal consecration. Of course, like all virtually Newchurch "bishops," Vangheluwe was never actually consecrated a bishop, but was merely "installed" in the Freemason presbyter Hannibal Bugnini's invalid, Protestantized New Ordinal of 1968.

April 14, 2011 - St. Justin, Martyr
Double Feast

Newchurch College Student Center Introduces Priestesses in Training
Not Far from the Neo-SSPX's USA Headquarters

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Priestesses in Training

Priestesses in Training Not Far from the Neo-SSPX "Company Town"
They Wear Their Clerical Collars at St. Isidore Catholic [Sic] Student Center
For Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Just How Far Would Bernie Fellay Go to Win Newchurch Recognition for His Neo-SSPX?
As Far as Priestesses in Training for His Modernist Mentor, Benedict-Ratzinger?

St. Isidore Catholic [Sic] Student Center at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, is already training priestesses for the Newchurch of the New Order. Manhattan is in the same Midwestern state as St. Mary's, Kansas, the "company town" of Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX in the United States.

The St. Isidore Center claims: "We provide educational, spiritual, liturgical, and social service opportunities to complete the academic formation available at Kansas State." Apparently, the proximity of the Neo-SSPX to this center has had no effect. After all, Fellay is running as quickly as he can toward recognition of his Neo-SSPX by the Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch headquartered in New Rome. Would Fellay go so far as to admit priestesses in training to his Neo-SSPX to please his Modernist mentor, Benedict-Ratzinger? At this point God only knows!

Sex Crimes by Newchurch Clergy against Children Rose Significantly in 2010
As Newbishops' Zero-tolerance Policy Is Exposed as a Fraud

From: Brian

According to the annual report released on April 11, 2011, for the year 2010, Benedict-Ratzinger and his Novus Ordo bishops in the United States have perpetrated a fraud on Newchurchers. The report, from the U.S. Conference of Catholic [Sic] Bishops. demonstrates that once again in 2010 the number of Newbishops and presbyters charged with sex crimes against children has increased substantially over the previous year. 428 new "credible" charges of sexual assaults against children were lodged against 345 presbyters and Newdeacons in 2010, a 20 per cent increase over 2009.

The U.S. Newbishops paid out some 150,000,000 dollars to settle claims last year, an increase of more than 19,000,000 dollars over 2009, their report said. The amount that Newchurch in the United States has paid for its sex crimes in just the five years 2004 to 2009 is 2,344,000,000 dollars -- with much more to come!

The figures come from a survey by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate of all U.S. dioceses except Lincoln, Nebraska, which refused to participate. The Lincoln Newbishop, Fabian Bruskewitz, though sometimes erroneously termed "traditionalist" by Neo-con Newchurchers and Motarians, actually has worked to suppress the activities of the "Motu" group called the Fraternity of St. Peter, has participated in the Freemasonic parade, and has allowed his Newchurch cathedral to be used for the "consecration" of a Methodist bishops. Apparently, Brukewitz is deaf to the cries of innocent children who have been raped by his Newclergy and wants to keep them hush-hush, out of the national report. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the United Press International.]

April 13, 2011 - St. Hermenegild, Martyr
Semidouble Feast

Newchurch Presbyter "TV Minister" Is Caught in an Incestuous Relationship
Newbishop Richard Garcia Says: "We Support Him 100 Per Cent"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Michael Manning and His Cousin

Presbyter Michael Manning and His Cousin, Nancy Kotowski
With Whom He Was Having an Incestuous Relationship
The Novus Ordo TV Celebrity's Newbishop Richard Garcia
Refused to Impose Any Penalty at All
Instead Saying "We Support Him 100 per Cent"

Give these Newchurch presbyters exposure as TV "celebrities," and they go crazy. Three presbyters on the EWTN Charismatic Newchurch cable channel have already been exposed. Now Michael Manning has admitted on April 8, 2011, that he conducted an incestuous relationship with his cousin, the Monterey County, California, Superintendant of Schools, Nancy Kotowski.

Manning, a member of the Newchurch Society of the Divine Word, hosted an international "television ministry" called The Word in the World. But Manning, like so many of the Newchurch hypocrite clergy, didn't himself live the word in the world. Even Benedict-Ratzinger gave his incestuous presbyter a medal, the Pro Ecclesia Et Pontifice Cross, while he was scandalizing both the Ecclesia and the Pontifex. Like so many Newchurch "celebrities," he was running a scam on his television show, trying like a Protestant minister to get 800 viewers to contribute $300 apiece to support his "love nest."

Meanwhile, Manning wouldn't reveal how long he had been engaging in incest, but some information implied that it could have been as long as thirty years! Manning did admit to hypocrisy and deception. He admitted to slinking around in hotel rooms to keep his incest a secret. His Newbishop, Richard Garcia, of Monterey, California, refused to penalize his presbyter for repeated acts of incest. "We support him 100 per cent," said Garcia through a spokesman. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Monterey County Herald.

And Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newbishop lieutenants claim that they have Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal under control. Don't you believe it!

A Reader Asks: "Is the Institute of Christ the King Traditional?"

From: Donna

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I came across a Mass site run by the Institute of Christ the King. Do you know whether this organization is traditional and whether it celebrates the Mass before Vatican II?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

The Institute of Christ the King is affiliated with the Newchurch of the New Order and uses the Vatican II Half Novus Ordo service of 1962+. Moreover, two of its clergy have been jailed for felonies.

April 12, 2011 - Ferial Day

Benedict-Ratzinger Responds to Criticism of His Syncretistic Assisi III Conference
In an Orwellian Statement He Claims Now that It Is Not a Conference, but a "Pilgrimage"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Buddha at Assisi

A Close-up of the Buddha Placed on Top of the Tabernacle
At John Paul II-Wojtyla's First Assisi Syncretistic Conference in 1986
Even Newchurchers Were Scandalized when Pagan Rites
Were Engaged in by Newchurch Clergy, including the Pope
Opposition Grew at the Second Assisi Conference in 2002
And Now to Benedict-Ratzinger's Third Assisi Conference Set for October 2011
Newchurch Lay Leaders Have Told Newpope to Cancel It -- Or Else!

Stung by criticism against his calling of a third Assisi conference in October 2011, Benedict-Ratzinger on April 2, 2011, denied the obvious syncretic nature of the conference. Syncretism is a heresy, in that it regards the true religion and false religions to be equally valid, or that elements all religions should be mixed up together. This false doctrine was euphemistically renamed "oecumenism" at the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), but that which Vatican II called "oecumenism" is just another name for a heresy. Newchurch leaders frequently express heretical statements such as: "all gods are the same" and "we all worship the same god," which are the hallmarks of traditionally-condemned syncretism.

Just as the Modernist Vatican II Council toyed with language to a degree that would have made even George Orwell blush, Benedict-Ratzinger is now trying to pull the same wool over Newchurchers' eyes. He says that that Assisi III is not a conference, but a "pilgrimage." As in fact it is: a pilgrimage to heresy! Leading Newchurchers in Italy warned Benedict-Ratzinger against perpetrating another Assisi to follow John Paul II-Wojtyla's first two, in 1986 and 2002, at which a Buddha was placed upon the Novus Ordo tabernacle, Newchurch clergy joined in pagan religious dances, and Newpope himself participated in joint worship with pagans, a grave sin against the First Commandment of God. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Zenit.]

Presbyter Expels Children from His Novus Ordo Service
For the Grave Sin of "Not Singing Loudly Enough"!

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Newchurch presbyter James Tiegs, pastor at St. Stephen the Martyr Newparish, in Omaha, Nebraska, was so enraged at his K-8 students that he ordered them expelled from his Novus Ordo Mess. And what was the students' grave sin? Fornication? Drugs? Violence? Not at all. Their sin was that they were not singing loudly enough! Ja woll, said the presbyter, you must sing, or I will cast you out.

Many of the students' parents, clueless that their children shouldn't in any case be present at a Novus Ordo Mass as it is an invalid Protestant-Masonic-Pagan service, were up in arms because the presbyter denied their children the Novus Ordo cookie! The children involved were more candid about their reasons for not singing out. Some of the boys were embarrassed that their voices were changing. Some of the girls were anxious about their next period's science test.

A Newchurch professoress of theology, Ms. Eileen Burke-Sullivan (interesting how these Newchurcher woman always have hyphenated names, isn't it?) wants the kids "more dynamic or kinesthetic." In other words, in Newchurch it is a sin to pray quietly at Mess. No, you're supposed to jump up and down, and sing loudly and shrilly like a heavy-metal vocalist.

Presbyter Tiegs is another one of those Novus Ordo hypocrites. Because the children were "disrepectful and irreverent" not to sing loudly, he himself committed an act of disrespect and irreverence by abandoning his Novus Ordo dinner table to expel the children from his Mess.

Some of the clueless Newchurch parents, of course, including members of the now-Protestantized Knights of Columbus, tried to get parents to stand behind the embarrassed Tiegs. Some parents even admitted that their children were disgusted at the Novus Ordo Mess and welcomed being dismissed. Now there's honesty! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the World Herald.]

April 11, 2011 - St. Leo I, Pope, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Newly-discovered Ancient Documents on the Crucifixion of Christ Turn out to Be Fakes
Non-canonical Works, Such as the "Gospel of Thomas," Eventually Turn out to Be Frauds

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
New Spurious Manuscript

Just Another Fraud, like the "Gospel of Thomas"
Even the BBC Bought into the Fakes Recently Discovered in a Jordan Cave
Now an Oxford Professor Has Conclusively Debunked Their Authenticity
Pointing out that the Faker Couldn't even Distinguish
Between the Greek Letters Lambda and Alpha!

Remember all the hullabaloo a few years ago about how the Church had withheld the "Gospel of Thomas"? Again, the Modernist media were trying to portray the Church in traditional times as trying to deceive people. The same Modernist propaganda is routinely spewed out concerning the Holy Crusades and the Holy Inquisition.

In 1945, when the spurious "Gospel of Thomas" was discovered in a cave, scholars were well aware that this was just a silly work of the ancient Gnostics, portraying Christ as little more than a magician. The "Gospel of Thomas" was only one of many such Gnostic forgeries that were quite well known to the scholarly community.

Recently, purported ancient documents discovered by a Bedouin in a remote cave in Jordan were touted by the ignorant media as holding "a contemporary account of the last years of Jesus." Even the British Broadcasting Corporation originally bought into the fakes, stating: "They could, just possibly, change our understanding of how Jesus was crucified and resurrected, and how Christianity was born." Scholars, however, were immediately skeptical because there have been numerous hoaxes and sophisticated fakes produced over the year with the purpose of bamboozling a public increasingly ignorant of religion, as well as ancient cultures and languages, in order to sell the fakes at inflated prices.

The authenticity of the books has now been conclusively debunked by Oxford Professor Peter Thonemann, Magister Artium, Doctor Philologiae, Quondam Fellow and University Lecturer in Ancient History, whose scrutiny concluded: "The text was incised by someone who did not know the Greek language, since he does not distinguish between the letters lambda and alpha."

Good Catholics, yet again you can continue to read the Bible without any doubt that it is the true Word and that nothing reliable has been left out.

A Reader Asks: "Why Does the Roman Catholic Church Cling to an Extinct [Sic] Language?"

From: Kyle

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I know that for several centuries Latin was the vernacular language of much of the Western Church, but why was the use of Latin in the Mass continued long after Latin ceased to be the vernacular tongue of Western Christians? Unless I am mistaken, Latin was the language of the Mass until 1962, which means that for over a thousand years most of the world's Catholics could not fully understand their sacred ritual. Why does the Roman Catholic Church cling so stubbornly to an extinct language and why did it decide to change in 1962?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

You are quite mistaken. Latin is still, and ever will be, the language of the true Mass. Moreover, it is far from extinct. News programs are broadcast in Latin, books are written in Latin, and many around the world still speak it as the language of the educated in science, technology, art, government, law, medicine, and other fields.

But the idea that sacred services should be in a vernacular tongue is essentially foreign to religion -- any religion. Latin was not used because it was a vernacular, but because it is one of three Sacred Christian Languages, specifically named in Scripture. The Jews use Hebrew, which was not their vernacular in Biblical times. The Eastern Church uses Greek, modeled on classical Greek, which was about five centuries past by Biblical times.

You are probably ignorant of the fact that, except for the Newchurch of the New Order and the Protestants, no other major world religion uses a vernacular language for its sacred services. Vernaculars are, as the word implies, used for non-sacred functions. The Hindus use Sanskrit, a classical language roughly contemporaneous with classical Latin and Greek. The Buddhists use classical Chinese of roughly the period of Confucius. The Mohammedans use classical Arabic of the time of Mohammed -- and prohibit its translation into flawed modern vernaculars. So, you will have to ask the Jews, Eastern Orthodox, Hindus, Buddhists, and Mohammedans why they "cling so stubbornly," to use your words, to their sacred languages.

And why do you think vernacular words denote a true understanding? Is the Newchurch of the New Order more Christian because it has fabricated a new service in English or Spanish or Swahili or some other vernacular patois? Do you not understand Puccini's Madama Butterfly in spite of your not knowing each and every word of the Italian text? No, you are well aware of the plot, the characters, the theme, the language, theatre, and the music -- all of which give you a deeper understanding because of their mystery. And, after all, religion is mystery. Traditional Catholics understand exactly what the Mass means. Newchurchers, who use an invalid service with pagan music and even dance, don't have a clue.

It is curious that you should mention the year 1962. That was certainly not a year in which any language changed occurred in the Roman Catholic Church. Quite the contrary. 1962 was the year in which Pope John XXIII issued a solemn papal bull, Veterum Sapientia, which confirmed that, as it had been in the past, Latin it must ever continue to be the language of the Mass and the Roman Catholic Church. He specifically rejected the use of a vernacular language as unCatholic and confirmed Sacred Tradition and the dogmatic Council of Trent that anyone who called for the use of any other language in the Mass than the traditional Latin is condemned.

These facts about the Latin and Traditional Latin Mass might be quite a surprise to you because of all the attempted propaganda by Modernist Newchurchers and by a modern press ignorant of religion except for its "politics." The propaganda is all a smokescreen, however. The facts are there, and irrefutable, if you simply take the trouble to check them out.

April 10, 2011 - Passion Sunday
Semidouble Sunday

Two Popes from the Same Pod: Alexander VI-Borgia and Benedict XVI-Ratzinger
New Showtime Cable Series Opens a Theological Issue

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Alexander VI-Borgia Benedict XVI-Ratzinger

Pope Alexander VI-Borgia (Left), Newpope Benedict XVI-Ratzinger (Right)
Is Benedict-Ratzinger the New "Bad Pope"?
Scandalous As Alexander VI Was, He Never Engineered the Rape of Children
Benedict-Ratzinger Has Been in the Forefront of Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Holocast
Since 1977, When He Became the Novus Ordo Archbishop of Munich, Germany
In the Next Thirty-plus Years, Tens of Thousands of Innocent Children
Were Raped by Newchurch Prebyters and Prelates with His Active Connivance

On April 3, 2011, the Showtime cable channel began airing its new series, The Borgias: The Original Crime Family. In the preliminary publicity Showtime drew comparisons between Pope Alexander XVI (Rodrigo Borgia) and Vito Corleone, whose career became famous from Mario Puzo's crime novel, The Godfather, made into an Academy Award-winning film.

However, Catholics familiar with the history of their Church would more readily see the similarity between the "Bad Pope" Alexander VI-Borgia and the current "Bad Pope," Benedict XVI-Ratzinger. But, more than that, the Showtime series has brought to the attention of millions of viewers a a little known provision of Catholic theology concerning the pope: a pope can be deposed from his office on account of scandal. Johannes Burchart, a real historical personage, whom Pope Alexander describes as the most knowledgeable canonist of his time, quotes in the first episode of the series Huggucio of Pisa (ob. 1210), who wrote a Summa Decretorum, the most extensive and the most authoritative commentary of that time on the Sacred Canons:

A pope who is a fornicator in public and has a concubine in public [ecce publico fornicator publico habet concubinem,] can indeed be deposed because to scandalize the Church is in itself heresy.

When this principle, "to scandalize the Church is in itself heresy," is combined with St. Robert Bellarmine's principle: "Papa hereticus ipso facto depositus est" [an heretical pope is by that very fact deposed], we have a possible application not only upon the case of Alexander VI, who lived a scandalous personal life, but also of Benedict-Ratzinger, whose papacy has involved far more scandal that Alexander's and has involved a holocaust of crimes against tens of thousands of children. The conclusion that can be drawn from this principle of Catholic theology is stunning. For further information, click on Limitations of Papal Authority to Change Sacred Tradition, From the Writings of Roman Catholic Popes, Councils, Saints, and Theologians in the TRADITIO Network's Library of Files (FAQs and Traditional Apologetics).

Probably unknowingly, Showtime has brought to light one of many problems in the history of the papacy: a conflict between two ancient ecclesiastical principles: Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur [the First See is judged by no one] and Papa hereticus ipso facto depositus est [an heretical pope is by that very fact deposed]. It was common knowledge that Alexander VI's election was the result of the grave sin of simony. To put it simply, Alexander bought the papacy with pieces of silver. There was a move afoot, led by Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, to summon a Council and have the simonical pope deposed (yes, a pope can be deposed), an action supported by the Catholic King of France, Charles VIII.

Vile as were the scandalous public sins of Pope Alexander, they touched relatively few people, and these deliberately chose to be engaged in the Church politics of the time, with all its risks. Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger's public scandalous public sins involve the rape by his Newclergy of tens of thousands of innocent children. His fingerprints are all over the most vile of crimes from at least since his archbishopric of Munich, Germany, from 1977, through his being John Paul II-Wojtyla's Sex Crimes Czar, and then becoming Newpope in his own right. If Alexander VI was liable to deposition by the College of Cardinals, Benedict-Ratzinger is all the more liable to deposition.

On a side-note of history for you laymen out there, there is still hope for you. Alexander's second successor (after Pope Julius II), Pope Leo X, was almost a layman when elected pope in 1513. He had received only tonsure as a Franciscan monk, but no Holy Orders. He had to be ordained, consecrated, and crowned after his election, all in the ten days following his election as pope.

April 9, 2011 - Ferial Day

A Reader Asks: "Could You Explain What the Extended Forms of the Mass Are?"

From: Shannon
St. John Schola CD8 St. John Schola CD9

The Recent Eighth and Ninth CDs from the St. John Schola
In Its A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant Series
Include Tropes of the Kyrie Eleison
Even though Tropes Were Quite Important
In the Development of Western Music
Recordings Are Relatively Uncommon

Dear Fathers:

I have read that in the Late Middle Ages, extended forms of the Mass were used in chanted Masses, as in the Kyrie and Gloria. Could you explain what these extensions were and what their significance was?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

What is being referred to here is apparently the practice of "troping." Mediaeval Catholics were so devout that they wanted more of the Holy Mass (compare that to the modern Catholic who can't wait to leave after just half an hour!). Therefore, a practice arose of "troping" the Kyrie and Gloria, and the other sung parts of the Ordinary of the Mass.

Trope is a Greek word for a turn or a change. In Western music troping was a kind of early "theme and variation" form. After each Kyrie Eleison and Christe Eleison, for example, an extended chant was added to fill out the meaning. For Mass XI the trope is: Orbis factor, Rex aeterne, eleison [Creator of the world, eternal King, have mercy]. You will notice that this Mass gets its name, Orbis Factor, from that trope, likewise with all the standard eighteen Ordinaries, as found in the Liber Usualis.

Even though tropes were quite important in the development of Western music and are mentioned in most books on musical history, recordings of troped Ordinaries are relatively uncommon. It is fortunate, therefore, that in the St. John Schola's series, A Traditional Chapel Sings Gregorian Chant, Volume VIII (Cantus Populares - Popular Chants) and Volume IX (Holy Week and Easter) contain such troped Kyries.

We recommended these CDs to you and to other traditional Catholics who wish better to understand and be edified by the Sacred Chant that is your heritage and their treasure. For further information, click on the TRADITIO Network's Gregorian Chant department, provided as a courtesy to the TRADITIO Network by the St. John Schola for Gregorian Chant, an independent organization separate from the TRADITIO Network.

April 8, 2011 - Ferial Day

Benedict-Ratzinger Shafts the Neo-SSPX's Leader, Bernie Fellay
Fellay Now Admits that the Newchuch Modernists Were Never Going to "Reinterpret" Vatican II

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Bernie Fellay

A Dour-looking Bernie Fellay, the Neo-SSPX's Superior General
Admits to the World that He Has Been Had by Benedict-Ratzinger
After over a Year of "Negotiations," Fellay Has Come up with a Goose Egg
Saying: I Don't Think You Can Say that Newvatican Officials Had Changed Their Minds

Poor Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the Neo-SSPX. Back in August 2005 he was openly schmoozing with the recently-elected Modernist Newpope, Benedict-Ratzinger, and his now-discredited henchman, Newcardinal Dario Hoyos. Now Fellay's negotiations to join the Novus Ordo sect have backfired. And it seems that the SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, may have been acting, perhaps unknowingly, as the finger of God in scotching Fellay's ambitions to become recognized by the Novus Ordo sect, through Williamson's controversial interview for Swedish Public Television in January 2009.

The beknighted Fellay has now admitted to the world that Benedict-Ratzinger's Newchurch of the New Order had no intention of "reinterpreting" the Modernist Vatican II Council (1962-1965), which engineered a Newchurch of the New Order to replace the Roman Catholic Church by introducing into it many unCatholic teachings and doctrine. Then Modernist Newpopes were elected to further the Modernist doppelganger: Paul VI-Montini, John Paul II-Wojtyla, and Benedict XVI-Ratzinger. When asked if Newvatican officials had changed their minds during the talks, which began in late 2009, he said: "I don't think you can say that." He said, Benedict-Ratzinger "has a certain sympathy for us, but within limits."

Good Catholics, this is exactly what the TRADITIO Fathers told Bernie Fellay five years ago when he started his sellout of Archbishop Lefebvre's Society and converted it into his on Neo-SSPX. Fellay should have listed to us experienced Fathers, but it seems that Fellay's ambition for Novus Ordo purple, or even scarlet, got the better of him. Now maybe the SSPXers will at last find the courage to dump him as an absolutely traitorous successor to the courageous Archbishop, together with corrupt Newpope Benedict-Ratzinger, into the Tiber, the method by which the early Romans had the wisdom to dump corrupt the corrupt popes and prelates of their time. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by Reuters.]

In Spite of Newchurch's Desperate Campaign to Neo-beatify John Paul II-Wojtyla
The Unsaint Has Fallen on Hard Times

From: The TRADITIO Fathers

Remember all the hoopla in March 2001 when Newchurch opened the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, D.C.? In attendance were President George W. Bush, the Governor of Vatican City, four American Newcardinals, a Polish Newcardinal, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, and elected officials from the United States Congress.

Within just a few years, the Center could hardly attract a dozen people a day for its New Order propaganda. The Center was slated to close its doors, until the Newchurch Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist [sic], signed an agreement to buy the Center. On April 4, 2011, the order reneged on the deal, saying that it didn't have the money, and the Center may now be shut down for good and all.

Too bad the Novus Ordo beatification of Karol Wojtyla can't be scuttled as well. He was neck deep in Newchurch's Great Sex & Embezzlement Scandal and in dozens of instances of sacrilege, not the least of which were his two syncretic convocations at Assisi, at which he participated personally in the pagan rites there.

75,000,000 dollars was flimflammed out of Newchurchers to build the pie in the sky. Now the value of the "attraction" has fallen to not even 40,000,000. I wonder whether Newchurch is going to pay back the donors 50 cents on the dollar out of this scam. Why is it that defrauded Newchurch donors never ask for their money back? [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the Associated Press.]

Good Catholics, as we TRADITIO Fathers have warned many times, virtually all of these donation schemes, no matter how attractive they seem in the propaganda, turn out to be frauds. Save your money and be sure that you are supporting generously the traditional Catholic site where you receive the true Mass and Sacraments. That way you can see first hand to what purpose your money is going.

April 7, 2011 - Ferial Day

EXCLUSIVE TO THE TRADITIO NETWORK: Neo-SSPX's Bernie Fellay Has Taken to Court
The Brother and Sister of Archbishop Lefebvre, the SSPX's Founder

From: Anna, the TRADITIO Network's French Correspondent
Marcel Lefebvre's Catafalque

The Catafalque of Archbishop Marcel Lefebre, Who Died on March 25, 1991
The Archbishop Was Known as an Outspoken Critic of Newchurch and Josef Ratzinger
Bernie Fellay Took over the SSPX after the Archbishop's Death
And Made It into a Half Novus Ordo Neo-SSPX
Fellay Has Now Shamelessly Taken to Court the Archbishop's Own Brother and Sister
Who Have Given a French Publisher Permission
To Publish the Uncensored Sermons of the Archbishop

The French publisher that is selling uncensored the 219 sermons of Archbishop Lefebvre against the Conciliar Church and Josef Ratzinger made an important announcement on March 29, 2011, revealing that Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX have issued a writ against the publisher to forbid the distribution of the sermons in uncensored form. On March 31, 2011, the case was submitted to the court in Paris, and the decision of the court will be made public on April 6, 2011.

For 20 years Fellay's Neo-SSPX has refused to distribute the uncensored content of the Archbishop's sermons because of the strong criticism by the Founder of the Society of St. Pius X against the Conciliar Church. The sermons of Archbishop Lefebvre clearly condemn Fellay, who is now organising the sell-out of the SSPX to Josef Ratzinger. The Archbishop's brother, Joseph Lefebvre, and his sister, Therese Toulemonde, have been enthusiastic in supporting the publication of the uncensored sermons of their brother, and they have signed an agreement with the publisher to give their permission.

Subsequently, the Neo-SSPX wrote to the court that the brother and the sister of Archbishop Lefebvre were "abused" by the publisher because they are "more than 90 years old"! Actually, Fellay got that wrong. Therese is only 85. The publisher has replied that the Archbishop's brother and sister are in perfectly in good health and knew full well what they signed.

We see that Fellay is so determined to sell out his Neo-SSPX to Josef Ratzinger that he does not hesitate even to insult the Archbishop's family and to put pressure on them to forbid the distribution of the uncensored version of the Archbishop's sermons. Fellay's representative, Father Frament, and the lawyer of the Neo-SSPX pretend that they own an exclusive copyright to the sermons of Archbishop Lefebvre, which they have been hiding for nearly 20 years.

Fellay's lawyer tried to disqualify the publisher in court by maintaining that the publisher is issuing the Archbishop's uncensored sermons in order to expose the action of Freemasonry within the Conciliar Church and that the Archbishop would have rejected the publication of his own sermons! But Archbishop Lefebvre openly stated the contrary. He himself wrote in his last book, Ils l'ont découronné? [They Have Disowned It], that the revolution in the Church was the result of Masonic action.

In his suppression of the uncensored sermons of Archbishop Lefebvre, Fellay has clearly declared that he has become a traitor to Archbishop Lefebvre and that that he prefers to sell out the Neo-SSPX to the Conciliar Church and Benedict-Ratzinger. How long will the clerics and the faithful of the SSPX accept Fellay's false leadership of the SSPX?

More and more of the SSPX members here in France are publicly calling for Bernie Fellay to be fired and replaced by a traditional cleric who will continue the fight of Archbishop Lefebvre and who will be happy to disseminate the sermons of the SSPX's Founder all over the world. Of course, this new superior general would apologize to the brother and the sister of Archbishop Lefebvre for Fellay's insulting them.

A Reader Asks: "Where Can I Find a Traditional Priest
For a Pre-Vatican II Independent Catholic Church?"

From: Luke

Dear Fathers:

I am a traditional Catholic who follows the teachings of the Church before Vatican II. I also believe only in the unchanged Sacraments used before Vatican II. I believe in the Traditional Latin Mass used before Vatican II. I am in the process of starting a pre-Vatican II independent Catholic church in Kensington, London. We are a very small group at the moment, but once we start, I hope to open it for the public. I am intending to have a permanent church in London where the Traditional Latin Mass can be celebrated along with all the traditional Sacraments. I am looking for a priest ordained prior to Vatican II. Where can I find such a traditional Catholic priest?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

You have phrased your requirement incorrectly. What you are looking for is not a priest ordained before Vatican II, but a traditional priest who has been ordained in the traditional rite of Holy Orders. When that priest was ordained in itself makes no difference.

The real difference is this. The vast majority of priests ordained before Vatican II affiliate themselves to the Modernist Newchurch of the New Order. These priests accept as valid the invalid Protestantized Novus Ordo service, which is essentially the same as a high Protestant service and is in fact used by some Protestant sects. The vast majority of these pre-Vatican II priests even perform the invalid Novus Ordo service. The sacrificial intention of such priests must be seriously questioned, even when they perform a "Latin Mass," which is not the Traditional Latin Mass, but the invalid Novus Ordo service in Latin or the Half Novus Ordo "Latin Mass" of 1962+.

On the other hand, the vast majority of traditional priests were ordained after Vatican II, but were ordained by traditional Catholic bishops who used the traditional rite of Holy Orders. These priests never performed the invalid Novus Ordo service, so their sacrificial intention is clearly valid. Not included in this number of traditional priests are the "Motu" presbyters, who were merely "installed" by Newchurch bishops, virtually none of whom have ever been validly consecrated as bishops in the traditional rite, but only in the invalid Protestanized Novus Ordo rite.

April 6, 2011 - Ferial Day

A Reader Asks: "What Now for Fellay's Neo-SSPX?"

From: Lance
Benedict-Ratzinger, Dario Hoyos & Bernie Fellay

On August 29, 2005, It Was All Smiles
Between Benedict-Ratzinger, Newcardinal Hoyos, and the Neo-SSPX's Fellay
Now Benedict-Ratzinger Has Been Personally Implicated Sex Crimes against Children
Hoyos Has Been Fired, and the Newchurch Door Has Been Slammed in Fellay's Face

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Does Benedict-Ratzinger's announcement of another syncretic Assisi III tell us anything new about this man and his beliefs? Didn't Archbishop Lefebvre say: "I do not think we can say that Rome has not lost the Faith." What now for Fellay's Neo-SSPX?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

If you review the previous Daily Commentaries from the TRADITIO Fathers, you will see that we have called Fellay's "negotiations" with Newrome a fraud from the beginning. They were simply a means for Fellay to try to sell out his Neo-SSPX to the New Order, perhaps motivated in significant part by his own personal ambition to become a "recognized" Newchurch prelate. It was only the action of the SSPX's senior bishop, Richard Williamson, that prevented the sellout, perhaps unwittingly, in January 2009.

It takes some people a very long time to recognize what is before their very noses. Assisi III is no particularly significant event in itself. It is just one more development in a long line of Josef Ratzinger's Modernistic programme that started before Vatican II, followed him in his secular professorship, continued under his short archbishopric, followed him to Newrome where he was the protégé of the unsaintly John Paul II-Wojtyla under whom most of Newchurch's sex crimes occurred, and now continues under Ratzinger's own papacy.

Ratzinger himself has never himself rejected Modernism. To the contrary, his speeches and writings consistently proclaim his Modernism, his devotion to the Modernist Vatican II Council, and his commitment to continuing his Modernistic programme for his Newchurch of the New Order. It is others who, for their own purposes (like the Neocon Newchurchers and Motarians), try to make him out to be a "conservative" or even a "traditionalist." He is neither, and he himself says that he is neither.

You ask what the future is now for the SSPX or, more correctly, Bernie Fellay's Neo-SSPX. Essentially, the SSPX is now dead. As is the case with Newchurch, the Neo-SSPX will continue for some time, moribund, to struggle against death like the flailing of a dying fish out of water. Since, except for three priests and a few laymen, the Neo-SSPX membership has not publicly stood up against Fellay's sellout programme and have in essence abandoned their founder's, Archbishop Lefebvre's, principles, and since Williamson is apparently too sick to take on Fellay, as he said once that he would do if Fellay fell from the traditional Catholic Faith, the SSPX is likely to wither away year by year, or gradually become transformed, as it is in part already, into a Novus Ordo-style organization.

Good Catholics, Fellay has put all his eggs in the Newchurch basket, and now Newrome has scrambled the egg on his face into an omelet. As previously reported here, Fellay is already closing sites in England and the United States and is now engaging in questionable Protestant-style land schemes and investment companies. As we said, the flailing of a dying fish.

April 5, 2011 - St. Vincent Ferrer, Confessor
Double Feast

State Majority Leader Calls Newbishop McCormack a "Paedophile Pimp
Who Should Have Been Led away from the State House in Handcuffs"

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
John McCormack

John McCormack, Newchurch Bishop of Manchester, New Hampshire
Videotaped during His Deposition on His Involvement in Sex Crimes against Children
McCormack Was Publicly Called a "Paedophile Pimp" and Worse
By the Majority Leader of the New Hampshire State House of Representatives
The Speaker of the House Agreed with the Assessment

Have politicians finally gotten some moral righteousness? New Hampshire House Majority Leader D.J. Bettencourt on April 1, 2011, called Newchurch's bishop John McCormack, of Manchester, "a paedophile pimp with no moral credibility to lecture anyone." McCormack had criticized the state House's budget for "failing to protect people in need" and falsely called caring for the poor "the fundamental requirement of our religious heritage." Bettencourt didn't cower in silence from the mitred fraud, but courageously hurled back a stinging retort:

It's a moral concern [because] the vulnerable take priority in our society? Would the bishop like to discuss his history of protecting the "vulnerable"? This man [Newbishop McCormack] is a pedophile pimp who should have been led away from the State House in handcuffs with a raincoat over his head in disgrace. He has absolutely no moral credibility to lecture anyone.

And likewise for all Newchurch bishops. Somebody finally got it right about these Newchurch frauds. McCormack is the leader of New Hampshire's 290,000 remaining Newchurchers. Bettencourt chastised the Newbishop for his role in the Newarchdiocese of Boston's sex crimes against children. McCormack had served as Newcardinal Bernie Law's top aide in Boston, when Law was the first to be drawn into scandals involving sex crimes against children by presbyters. McCormack's job was to investigate the complaints, in which he failed signally. Yet for his great cover-up work, the unsaint JPII-Wojtyla appointed him Newbishop of Manchester. [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the New Hampshire Journal.]

A Reader Asks: "What Does Catholic Theology Teach about Criticizing Church Leaders Publicly?"

From: Paul

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

I agree that Bernie Fellay, head of the Neo-SSPX, has "danced with the devil" in Nerome too many times. The Church is going to hell in a hand-basket, as you have so many times pointed out. That being the case, what does Catholic theology teach about criticizing Church leaders publicly?

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

All too many would let criminal Church leaders off just because they are Church leaders. That is not what Christ taught. Rather, the Scripture and Catholic theology teaches the opposite: Church leaders must be held to a higher standard and publicly chastised if they do not meet it. That is part of the Christian message that is all too often overlooked today because some people are blinded to the truth by white robes and fancy headwear. Christ condemned that attitude (Matthew 23:5/DRV).

When one condemns heretical and immoral public conduct on the part of Church leaders, he is following Christ's teaching. The Church's chief theologian, St. Thomas Aquinas, as well as many others, such as St. Augustine, clearly confirm that such conduct not only may, but must, be chastised publicly. St. Thomas even makes it clear that this principle applies even to the pope, in fact to the pope above all.

The reason for this Christian principle is readily understandable. These Church leaders have immense power, which must be constantly tested to make sure that they are using this power in the right way. If they, to use your term, "dance with the devil," their actions could damn not only their own souls, but the souls of thousands, even millions, of others. Therefore, their feet must be held to the fire, just as St. Paul did to St. Peter. It seems that many Catholics are unaware of this teaching of Scripture, so we will repeat it.

As related in St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians (2:11/DRV et seq.), Peter, the first pope, was teaching an erroneous doctrine, that Christians must obey not the law of Christ, but the Jewish law. The Apostles had met, and Peter joined in the unanimous decision that this teaching is false. Yet Peter backslid, and continued to teach the false doctrine that even he had admitted is false. St. Paul was indignant at St. Peter for his deliberate teaching of error. But St. Paul didn't say: Peter is the pope, so I can't correct him. Instead, he said: Peter is teaching false doctrine and leading astray many souls. And do you know what happened? St. Paul was not excommunicated for contradicting the pope. To the contrary, the pope admitted that he had in fact been teaching false doctrine and that Paul was absolutely right!

If St. Paul had not corrected the pope, the evil that the pope was teaching would have led many souls astray. Nor did St. Paul engage in some wimpish "negotiation" with the pope. Scripture tells us that he "withstood him [Peter] to his face because he was to be blamed." In fact, St. Paul calls Peter "reprehensible" [reprehensibilis].

So, when a true Catholic defends his Faith by justly chastising its leaders for their conduct of their office, which is immoral or scandalous or heretical, that true Catholic knows for a certainly that he is doing exactly what he should be doing in order to move the errant leader to change. He knows that he has the approval of Our Lord Jesus Christ, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, and too many other theologians to name.

April 4, 2011 - St. Isidore, Bishop, Confessor & Doctor
Double Feast

Neo-SSPX Proposes a Retirement Centre in a Western U.S. State
Will This Turn out to Be Just Another Heritage USA Fiasco?

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Retirement Centre

Site of a Neo-SSPX "Retirement Centre"?
Religious "Retirement-Centre" Schemes Have a Checkered History
One "Latin Mass Indult" Group Tried One and Was Disbanded for Fraud
Those Who Have Questioned Fellay Have Been Expelled from His Neo-SSPX
God Help Them if They Had Already Paid for a Retirement Home!

A land company in a western U.S. state has announced as-yet unconfirmed plans for a "retirement centre" for Neo-SSPXers who buy in before a single foundation has been laid. Religious "retirement-centre" schemes have had a checkered history. The clergy of the "Latin Indult Mass" group called the Society of St. John the Evangelist, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, tried one of these retirement-building schemes and became entwined in fraud. The SSJE was eventually ordered disbanded by the Newchurch bishop there.

Then there was the centre run by the evangelical scam artist, Jim Bakker. He sold tens of thousands of "lifetime memberships" that were supposed to be used in constructing facilities for these "life members." Bakker raised more than twice the amount of money needed and didn't even build the facilities promised. He then siphoned off the fraudulently-obtained funds to another scheme, Heritage USA Theme Park, which went belly up. He also kept 3,400,000 dollars for himself. Bakker was convicted of 24 counts of fraud and sentenced to 45 years in a U.S. federal prison.

But, you say, surely the Neo-SSPX under Bernie Fellay is trustworthy. Well, Fellay has been exposed as a director in about a dozen European investment companies, often partnered with Maximilian Grah, a Dresden lawyer known for his fundraising for Jewish causes. So far, those who are investigating Fellay's financial directorates have not found a "smoking gun." But Fellay's Neo-SSPX has, after all, been designated a cult in some places, and some of its members act like cult members. They view Fellay as a virtual pope, who is not to be questioned in any way on his running of the Neo-SSPX. A few of these Neo-SSPXers in fact later had the temerity to question Fellay's conduct of his superiorate and were expelled from their Neo-SSPX Mass site, including three priests. God help these poor members if they had already paid their hard-earned money into building a Neo-SSPX "retirement centre"!

Good Catholics, if we have learned anything from the corruption of the Newchurch of the New Order and the sell-out shenanigans of Fellay and his Neo-SSPX, we know that we cannot trust that any of man's schemes will last. We can only advert to the words of Our Lord: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Luke 21:33/DRV).

April 3, 2011 - Fourth Sunday of Lent "Laetare" Sunday

Papal Knighthoods Are Exposed as Phony in "Knightgate" Sham
They Are No Longer Based on Merit, but Are Now Bought Outright for Pieces of Silver

From: The TRADITIO Fathers
Michael Seed and Cherie Blair

Presbyter Michael Seed Pictured with Cherie Blair
Wife of the Former British Prime Minister
Cherie Is a Liberalist Newchurcher Who Rejects Many Catholic Teachings
Seed Has Been Exposed as a Panderer
Of Purchased "Papal Knighthoods from Benedict-Ratzinger

Like so many other things about the Newchurch of the New Order, papal knighthoods are a scam: no longer based on merit, but now bought outright in a "Knightgate" scam that is reminiscent of the "Bad Pope," Alexander VI, selling indulgences to build St. Peter's, a grave sin of simony that contributed to the loss of half the Church's membership to the Protestant heresy. It seems that papal knighthoods under Newchurch are as much a scam as Al Gore's Nobel Prize for the "global warming" scam.

One of Britain's most high-profile Newchurch presbyters has admitted to selling papal knighthoods to wealthy businessmen for sums as high as 50,000 U.S. dollars. Michael Seed, a Newfranciscan, who regularly performed the Novus Ordo service for former British Prime Minister Tony Blair at Downing Street, is now under investigation. The most damaging evidence concerns Seed's Oliver North-like activity in the attempted cultivation of an Israeli arms dealer who was seeking business opportunities in the Balkans.

Presbyter Seed was an "oecumenical advisor" to the Newarchbishop of Westminster, appointed personally by Benedict-Ratzinger in 2009. Seed bought a papal knighthood for the arms dealer for 45,000 dollars and told him that he could introduce him to influential Balkan politicians "and the man who looks after all arms for the region." The arms dealer displayed more morality than the presbyter when he rejected the scam! [Some information for this Commentary was contributed by the London Daily Mail.]

EXCLUSIVE TO THE TRADITIO NETWORK: Father of Boys Raped by Newjesuit Presbyter
Tells of Newchurch Order's "Degeneracy and Perversion"

From: Jim

Background. The Chicago, Illinois, Province of the Jesuit Province of the Society of Jesus, the world's largest Newchurch order, was sued on March 28, 2011, for ignoring and covering up numerous reports from parents that presbyter Donald McGuire had been raping Newchurch children under his care over a period of forty years. In 2006 and 2008, McGuire was convicted of several sex crimes and is serving a 25-year U.S. federal prison sentence.

For about two decades, starting in the early 1980s, McGuire was a spiritual adviser to Mother Teresa, who put him in charge of retreats for the Novus Ordo nuns in her worldwide order, Missionaries of Charity. As he traveled to give those retreats, he took along children as "assistants" and routinely assaulted them sexually. He also taught at a Newjesuit high school, where he took the opportunity to rape students there. When a 15-year-old boy "outed" the perverted presbyter, the Newjesuits said nothing about his crimes, but claimed merely that he had left on a "sabbatical."

65 recently-obtained church documents and depositions were filed with the court as part of the new lawsuit. These documents demonstrate the Newjesuit leaders' "reckless disregard for the safety of others in the face of repeated reports of sexual misconduct." The suit charges that McGuire’s Newjesuit superiors turned "a blind eye to his criminal actions" and withheld the lengthy record of parents' complaints from prosecutors and the court. The new documents also show that the Newjesuits wrote a letter to a Newchurch diocese certifying that McGuire was a presbyter "in good standing" and that "there is nothing to our knowledge in his background which would restrict any ministry with minors."

In spite of numerous reports that presbyter McGuire had been raping children under his charge, the Newjesuit leaders failed to remove McGuire, instead allowing him to continue raping children over a period of forty years. One victims advocate said: "I have never seen such detailed and frequent notice received by the priest’s [sic] superiors, so many 'directives' regarding the priest’s future behavior, and so much evidence presented to his superiors that those directives were being violated, without the priest being removed from ministry." [New York Times]

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

As father of John Does 117 and 118, I have painfully followed this saga for 3-1/2 years. Thank you for your diligence in covering this story, as well as others. Would you believe it? This Thursday [March 31, 2011], the Chicago Jesuit Province's lawyers are deposing my wife and me re my sons' case. In their own degeneracy and perversion, the Newjesuits attempted to subpoena my daughters for the same case. Neither one was even born when the molestation of my oldest son began. As parents, we have shielded them from this tragedy in our family. Their responsible brothers have done the same. Fortunately, a Chicago judge declined a motion to compel them to be deposed.

Not only have these criminal, co-conspirators aided and abetted Presbyter Donald McGuire in the rape of my boys, but they now want to destroy the innocence of our girls. This is an obvious attempt to intimidate my wife and me. Even with warnings from our attorney "not to mess with Jim," they "crossed the line in the sand with me." We (my wife and I) have a pending lawsuit against the Chicago Jesuit Province citing negligence and loss of filial consortium. That case is still pending, as is our sons' case.

April 2, 2011 - Ferial Day

Traditional Catholic Producer-Director-Actor Mel Gibson
Celebrates at Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church the Birth of His Third Grandchild

From: Zachary, the TRADITIO Network's Local Correspondent
St. Patrick's Day Gathering

Mel Gibson Speaks to a Member of the Congregation
At the St. Patrick's Day 2011 Celebration
Held at Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church in Agoura Hills, California
His Daughter Hannah and Her Traditional-Catholic Convert Husband
Recently Had Mel's Third Grandchild

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Thank you for your Commentary concerning Mel Gibson. I have a friend who attends Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church, and what you reported is true. In addition to what you said, other good news for Gibson is that on March 12, 2011, his daughter Hannah gave birth to her second son. Hannah is married to Grammy-nominated musician Kenny Wayne Shepherd. This is the couple's third child in just over four years of marriage. They had their first child when daughter Madeline was born just 13 months after their 2006 wedding. Their son Gabriel was born in 2009. Kenny and Hannah were married at Gibson's Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church after Shepherd converted to traditional Catholicism.

Mr. Gibson has moved on with his film career and has two films coming out in 2011, The Beaver, a semi-autobiographical piece, in which Gibson stars as Walter Black, a troubled husband and executive who adopts a beaver hand-puppet as his sole means of communicating, and How I Spent My Summer Vacation, in which Gibson plays a career criminal nabbed by Mexican authorities and placed in a tough prison where he learns to survive with the help of a 9-year-old boy.

In regards to the single charge of misdemeanor battery to which Gibson recently pled nolo contendere, he and his attorneys believed that they could have beaten the charge that was brought against him by Gibson's former mistress, Oksana Grigorieva, but it would have meant a minimum of another year of being dragged through the courts and through the gossip ragsheets. The pleading involves no jail time. All accounts I have heard and read agree on this: Gibson's seven children and his wife Robyn begged him just to settle the case. They all told him "we just want peace." It went against Gibson's nature to settle when he was innocent, but he wanted to do what was best for his children.

Grigorieva is not just bad, but wicked. Gibson is not the first celebrity upon whom she has preyed, but, as you say, he made his own problems. She is already a bigamist "wife" of two husbands and then had extramarital affairs with two celebrities, actors Timothy Dalton and Mel Gibson, spawning illegitimate children with both of them.

A Reader Asks: "When Someone Commits a Public Sin, Must He Not Do Public Penance?"

From: Michael

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

When someone commits a public sin, must he not do public penance? Mel Gibson's sins, even though committed in private, are known to millions of people, so shouldn't he have to do public penance for them? I have no disrespect towards Mel, but he is just the only real Catholic that I know of that has committed public sins, so I use him as an example. Obviously the main phony Catholic public sinners are the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Joseph Biden, but whereas Gibson is devout enough to do public penance, I am not going to hold my breath for any public penance from Pelosi and Biden.

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

It is true that in the early Church, public sinners would don sackcloth and ashes and be barred from church for the forty days of Lent until the Easter Vigil. That is no longer the practice; cases are handled through the Sacrament of Penance, which might, as appropriate, involve public rectification.

Yet Gibson is hardly the worst public sinner out there. The first person who should don sackcloth and ashes is Benedict-Ratzinger, by whose personal signature tens of thousands of children were raped with impunity and by whose aiding and abetting, and conspiring with his Newbishops and Newcardinals, these vile crimes continue unabated. His just penance should be removal from the office of the papacy and relegation to a monastic cell to do penance for the rest of his life -- if not to suffer the Biblical penance of having a millstone hanged about his neck being drowned in the depth of the sea.

As you say, there are the public figures who call themselves "Catholic" to win votes, but publicly advocate abortion, sodomy, and other vile crimes and publicly engineer the funding of these crimes by the State. In this group we can include "Catholics" such as Joseph Biden, Vice President of the United States; Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Great Britain; and most members of the parliaments of Mexico, Spain, Portugal, and too many other "Catholic" countries to number.

Gibson's adulterous indiscretion looks almost tame in comparison to the mountainous sins of Benedict-Ratzinger and his ilk against innocent children. At least Gibson is supporting his illegitimate child both financially and spiritually. She is to be seen at the Traditional Latin Mass at his Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church in Agoura Hills, California. There wouldn't be enough sackcloth and ashes left over for Gibson after what all the immoral Newchurch popes, cardinals, bishops, and presbyters in Newchurch should use up!

April 1, 2011 - Ferial Day

A TRADITIO Network Correspondent Reports on Mel Gibson's Holy Family Church
The Church Has Been Completed and Is Now Being Used Every Sunday

From: Mary, the TRADITIO Network's Local Correspondent
Holy Family Church

Mel Gibson's Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church in Agoura Hills, California
Which Has at Last Been Completed and Is Being Used Every Sunday
Gibson Built the Independent Catholic Church
From Five Million Dollars of the Proceeds of His Traditional Catholic Film
The 2004 Blockbuster The Passion of the Christ

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

After being closed for a few days, Holy Family Church, which was built by traditional Catholic producer-director-actor Mel Gibson in Agoura Hills, California, is now fully open. It was closed for only four days when some intruder took a picture of his baby and sold it to the tabloids, but then the church reopened the following Sunday. When people were asked to not bring their cell phones with photo capability, the storm subsided.

On March 13, 2011, there was a big St. Patrick's Day barbeque on the church grounds, and many "outside" people were allowed to come in that day. Again, a photo showed up in a tabloid, but it didn't seem to bother Gibson much. It was the fact that someone took a picture of the baby that had angered him so.

Holy Family Church, building on which began in 2003, was completed and opened at last in February 2011. It is now being used every Sunday. It is really quite beautiful. The only thing still not in place is the Stations of the Cross, but I hear that even now proper Stations to fit into the Mission style of the church are being searched for. The grounds are amazing, with a beautiful fountain in front of the church.

Gibson himself, who has recently brought so much trouble onto himself, seems to have worked out his problems and now seems at peace.

The TRADITIO Fathers Reply.

Traditional Catholics will remember Gibson from his courageous efforts, against a huge political brohaha staged by Abraham Foxman, of the B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Jewish Covenant), whose purpose was to intimidate Gibson into giving up the filming of The Passion of the Christ (2004), which presented a graphic and traditionally-based version of the Crucifixion and the circumstances surrounding it. Yet Gibson persisted with the project and produced a unique and deeply religious film.

From the proceeds of the film, Gibson donated 5,000,000 dollars to build the 900 square metre, mission-style Holy Family Church, tucked away in the tree-covered mountains of Agoura Hills, California, 50 kilometres northwest of Los Angeles. It sits on 45,000 square metres of land and seats a congregation of 400. The church was started in 2003 and was finished in 2011. It supports 70 families. The church is run entirely independently of the Newchurch of the New Order.

A TRADITIO Network Correspondent Reports on the SSPX
In Britain the SSPX Is Selling Its Church to the Mohammedans

From: James, the TRADITIO Network's British Correspondent

Dear TRADITIO Fathers:

Your readers would be interested to know that here in Britain, the Society of St. Pius X, instead of expanding its operations, is closing and selling its church in Keighley, Yorkshire, England to -- the Mohammedans. It is going to be turned into a Muslim school, a madrasa!

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