CONFRATERNITY OF ST. MICHAEL CONSTITUTIONS TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network E-mail:, Web: Copyright 1998-2016 CSM. Reproduction prohibited without authorization. Last Updated: 09/03/16 1. Purpose. The Confraternity of St. Michael is made available to TRADITIO Network participants to enable them to work in a directed way toward their personal sanctification through traditional divine worship and traditional devotional practices. 2. Participation. Any man or woman, clergy or layman, married or single, may participate. No formal enrollment is required. 3. Confession and Communion. The participants attend the fully Traditional Latin Mass exclusively and receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion regularly. According to the traditional practice of the Church, the members fast from midnight before receiving Holy Communion, absent any medical or other impediments. 4. Regular Prayer. The participants engage in regular prayer, especially liturgical prayer, saying at a minimum the indulgenced prayer to St. Michael the Archangel daily. In addition, members might include some other prayers each day (e.g., a part of the traditional Divine Office or of a Little Office, one or more decades of the Most Holy Rosary, the Angelus, a litany). 5. Fast and Abstinence. The participants maintain the traditional precepts of fast and abstinence. These are (for adults) abstinence from meat on all Fridays; abstinence and fast (one meal and two smaller collations) on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, the Ember Days (meat at the main meal only), and the vigils of Pentecost, All Saints, the Immaculate Conception, and the Nativity; and fast on the weekdays of Lent, absent any medical or other impediments. 6. Charitable Works. The participants practice the spiritual and corporal works of mercy to the degree that their state of life permits. 7. Scapulars and Medals. The participants wear or carry a scapular or medal of Our Lord, Our Lady, or one of the Saints. A medal of St. Michael would be particularly appropriate.